5. Opulent

367 11 3

Important Reminder: I haven't watched or read 50 shades of grey but this will be based on it. I haven't also watched the full trailer or anything. This story is a BDSM fan fiction. I'll try to give warnings to the Smuts because this is an adult content. You can skip them if you aren't comfortable with it. Many swearings. Please safely read because there will be violence and a big probability of bloodshed.

I'm an atheist but I want my story to have religion because it's rare in every fanfiction. I also love the thought of religion.

Ariana Grande: 'Thank you, next'

******* 12 years after ********

(Their looks in 2018)

Timothee: 25

Dan: 26

Phil: 31

Word count: 3055


*Dan's point of view*
(12 years later)

I woke up from what I assume the usual day. Take a bath, consume my meal, go to work, and go to my apartment and doze in bed. Life has been so regular so far, no fun, just constant. I'm currently in my apartment, temporarily living with my best friend Timothee. We've been roommates for about 6 years now. Completely fine for me.

Timothee is probably the only person why I'm motivated to go to work and stay up to this cheap apartment. I moved out away from my parents because I don't want to be a burden and I can also already live my life alone, I'm old enough. Sixteen is enough to move out and live is own life, and make an adult chapter on his story.

I'm also currently working as a content writer. Well, I get paid enough, but not much. Just enough to buy my needs and to pay my parents. As a content writer, you may write content on a variety of topics for an organization's popular websites and media trends.

I don't know how their income is so let's just assume that it's average.

Timothee and I are in the same position. Maybe that's a good deal? I work at the mondailyen company where we talk about deciding what book we should publish like novels and trends. again, I don't know this shitz.

Ever since the Lester's enterprise gave us scholarship was a relief. I know that if I didn't get that scholarship for my college, I would probably drop out. Because my parents for sure can't afford it. College is expensive you know.

Now let's talk about Philip Lester. Life without Phil has been full of crap, I've gotten lesser friends because I know that Phil gets all the attention. He's smarter. Also has a luxurious life. He can also hang out with most mates. He's hot. What do you expect? I wouldn't hang out with me either.

He told me that he'd come back as soon as possible, but that was all just a LIE. He didn't come back, nor gave us a sign that he still cares about us, or thus he breathes. I still got the locket and the jacket that he gave me, but I placed it inside the box because I don't want to ruin it.

But since I know that he wouldn't come back, I will probably wear those in work soon, so that I might still feel his presence.

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