Chaper three: Welcome to the Hope detective agency! Part 1

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I woke up to a banging on my door. 'Who would be up at this hour?' I thought groaning while sitting up. I slip on my shirt and head to the door.

I opened the door to see, a purple haired boy wearing all black was standing at my door at 3 am! Is he a rapist? Why else would he be here at 3am? Or is he a police man?!

"Kokichi Ouma, pleaseure to meet you (y/n)!" The grape boy smiled. "Who exactly are you?" I asked. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm an Informant at The Hope Detective Agency!" He spoke proudly. "Wait if you're an informant, then what am I?" I asked him.  "Well you're about to be kiddnapped is all I know right now." Before I can respond a sack was pulled over my head and a forceful feeling in my gut was felt before I passed out.


I'm lying in the infirmary again just because I'm recovering from being knocked out. 'Why was I kidnapped and out of all the times in the world why 3 am?! I can't fucking believe it. I got knocked twice in a row. Did I get myself into a group full of sadists?' I thought to myself. 'And that purple haired dude! I though everyone in the agency was in the infirmary! There was a lot of people!'

I sighed and turned to my side. 'It's only 5 am I should try going back to sleep or I won't be in the greatest mood later.' I thought and I start to close my eyes.

..... Until the door slammed open.

"RISE AND SHINE NEWBIE!!!" It was the same annoying voice that belong to a man that kidnapped me earlier. I'm tired what does he want? I take the pillow from underneath my head and threw it at him. Apparently since it didn't break anything he caught it then decided to smack me on then face with the pillow.

"What do you want?" I groan. "Ms. Kirigiri needs you." Kokichi said then left. I stood up and felt cool air against my legs. I just realized.... IM NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!!!!!!!! As a default I grabbed a blanket off the bed I was sleeping on and wrapping it around me. "Tell her I'll be there soon!" I yelled. Kokichi laughed thinking I couldn't hear him.

I walked to to Kirigiri's office and knocked on the door. I heard a small 'come in.' So I walked into her office.

"Good morning Ms. Kirigiri." I spoke while gripping onto the blanket. "Good morning?" She asked? Looking at me. "Okay why are you wearing the infirmary blanket?" "Well a man named Kokichi Ouma kidnapped me at 3 am, and at the time I was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear!" I respond blushing slightly.

"There's a pantsuit in the break room. You can wear that after I'm done giving instructions." She said sipping her coffee. I sat down on the chair in front of her desk still holding on to the blanket.

"First thing's first. There's a model named Junko Enoshima, in the daylight. In the the dark she's the despair mastermind, who we want to get rid of." She said. I nodded.

"Anyway a few weeks ago there was a video contest, showing everyone their latest fashion choices, the winner would have a day with Junko." She says as she shows me a picture on the laptop. "The winner died recently in a car accident, nobody really knows it except everyone close to her." "Her name?" I ask.
"Mikalaya Hitoshi." She said sorrowfully. "Such a beautiful name." I muttered.

"Anyways. You'll be going as Mikalaya and Mahiru will be taking pictures of you and Junko hanging out the entire day." Kirigiri said handing me a file and I took it. "I'll have Mikan do your makeup, hurry up and get dressed." I nodded and left the room to bump into Komaru.

"Sorry (y/n)-san!" Komaru apologies. I stood up and offered her a hand up. "No worries. Why were you in a rush?" I ask. "Well, long story short, I saw Kokichi drag you in with no pants or decent clothes on, so I decided to leave and bring you some. Trust me. No one wants to wear that 80's pantsuit." She said laughing a little.

"Awe that's so nice of you. You didn't have to do that!" I say taking the clothes from her. "It's that or get caught easily on your mission. Mahiru's in the waiting room by the way." And with that Komaru walked off. I ran to the bathroom and quickly changed into the outfit Komaru gave me.

To be honest it didn't look all that bad

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To be honest it didn't look all that bad. It was actually kinda cute. 'Komaru has good taste.' I thought to myself. 'Now it's time to find Mikan' as I was about to leave the bathroom I was met by a purple haired girl.

"You're (y/n) right?" She asked me in a quiet tone. I was confused but nodded. "I'm Mikan the agency's nurse. I'm here to help you with makeup as well as a friend of mine, Sonia. She'll give you tips on your first mission." She said firmly. I nodded. Mikan then walked off with me following behind her.

Throughout the whole makeup prepping time. I was being told information by a girl named Sonia Nevermind. It was a whole lot to take in, but I think I have everything in mind.

My makeup was done. And I looked exactly like Mikalaya Hitoshi, with red rose eyes and brown hair. They temporarily dyed my hair brown and I had red eye contacts in.

"You guys did an amazing job." I said astounded.
"I-It's really nothing." Mikan Blushes. I stood up. "Thank you, do you know where Mahiru is?" I ask. "She's in the break room. Good luck newbie!" Sonia smiled and waved. I nodded and headed to the break room.

I walk into the break room to see Mahiru in a old-fashioned photographer uniform. It had suspenders attached to her skirt, a white buttoned up shirt and a grey hat to match her skirt, as well as her camera.

"Wow! You look like a whole different person (y/n)! Sonia and Mikan did an amazing job!" She chimed. I blushed a little from her compliment and I thanked her.

"Don't mention it!" She says grabbing my wrist. "Now let's bust off some despair!" And with that she dragged me out of the Hope Detective Agency.

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