C H A P T E R 21

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Alex greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek.
"Alex where have you been and with whom?" She wasn't mad at him but she has to be strict with Alex otherwise he'll just do what he wants.
"I made a new friend at school and we were out drinking tea, talked and got a bit carried away with that. He's a good listener." Alex smiled. He was so happy to call Mr. Kane his friend now. Alex really liked him a lot.
"Okay then but you have to text me where you are and when you're coming home. I don't want to be sitting here all worried about you because I don't know where you are."
Alex nodded "Okay I'm sorry mum. Next time I'll text you earlier. Can I go to me room now, please?"
"Yes you can and you better go to sleep now it's late. Sweet dreams darling" his mother hugged him and sent him to his room.
Alex got ready for bed and took his phone to text his now boyfriend.

Goodboy0601: Hey.. sorry that I didn't reply earlier. I was so mad at you, because you went out with that girl that I didn't want to see anything from you.

Alex didn't have to wait long. His boyfriend replied in just seconds.

Thebadthing: Its okay. I can imagine what you must've felt like. I really am sorry I didn't tell you about it or thought about how you might feel. And what do you think? You want to be my boy?
Goodboy0601: Of course I want to! But we don't have to be.. you know together. I didn't want to push you into anything..
Thebadthing: No I want to. You didn't push me into this. So we're official then, aren't we?
Goodboy0601: I think so. I'm really happy.
Thebadthing: Me too darling. So what are your plans for your birthday? Isn't it this Friday?
Goodboy0601: I totally forgot about me birthday. Funny don't you think? How can someone forget their own birthday? But to answer your question.. I don't know maybe just hang around with my friends? Maybe Matt is throwing a party for me.. He'll take any reason just to make a party.
Thebadthing: Silly puppet, you had a lot going on in your sweet mind so that's normal if you forget stuff. And to speak of your friend, that's real nice of him. I mean your turning eighteen that's something special, don't you think? And while we're at it, do you have anything special in mind? Present wise?

Alex thought about a second. His only wish was to see him in person but he knew he wouldn't get that.

Goodboy0601: Honestly, my only wish is to see you in person.
Thebadthing: Maybe your wish is coming true. But we'll have to see, treasure.
Goodboy0601: Please consider it! I would be the happiest boy ever.
Thebadthing: we'll see baby, okay? Anyways how was your day? Did you have fun at school?
Goodboy0601: Actually not really. I had to talk with Matt about you and I just wasn't in a good mood at all and in art class my teacher came up to me and asked me why I'm so sad and everything. Oh and by the way that's the teacher I told you about. We're friends now. I really like him a lot. And he wouldn't let go because I didn't tell him anything so he invited me for coffee in a sweet Café. We talked for hours til I got home. How was your day?
Thebadthing: I'm sorry for ruining your mood today. I didn't intend to. I just didn't think about it. Anyways.. my day has been really good actually. I met a friend of mine and we talked the whole day. I just got home and now I have to prepare stuff for work.
Goodboy0601: I told you it's fine. I'm fine now. And great,  what friend was it?
Thebadthing: I just met him. He's a cool lad. Don't worry about him, honey
Goodboy0601: Okay then.. I'm in Paris in two weeks. Isn't it exciting?
Thebadthing: How wonderful baby. Didn't you want to go to Paris since like forever?
Goodboy0601: Yes! I always wanted to go there and now I got the chance to it's just amazing.
Thebadthing: Well, you're welcome, honey
Goodboy0601: What? Did you?
Thebadthing: I talked to your principal and he eventually found my idea really good so.. your art teacher is going with you, isn't he?
Goodboy0601: I can't believe you. You're just incredible! I don't deserve you
Thebadthing: No problem baby. I know how much you wanted it.
Goodboy0601: How can I ever make it up to you?
Thebadthing: you don't have to
Goodboy0601: Yes I do! So tell me what shall I do for you?
Thebadthing: Nothing just don't ever hate me, alright?
Goodboy0601: I could never hate you. Why would you even say that?
Thebadthing: Just saying. Okay you have to go to sleep now it's late and you have school tomorrow. Good night baby sweet dreams X
Goodboy0601: Good night, you too

Alex put his phone to charge and went to sleep.


He walked to school with Matt. Alex didn't stop talking, his mouth was running like an open faucet, and was completely different than yesterday.

"Alex what happened? You're a real sunshine today. Has it something to do with this man?" Matt asked.

"Oh you mean my boyfriend? Yeah probably" Alex grinned. He took a cigarette and offered one to Matt which he took.

"Your boyfriend? That's great! I'm happy for you Alex. But what did he do that you can't stop smiling"

"He eventually organised the Paris trip with our school. I told him as we started talking that I always wanted to go to Paris and look he just organised it. He's the best."

"Wow Alex.. who is he that he can just talk with our school that you can go to Paris. This man is powerful" Matt was shocked but also a bit worried. It seems like the man has some great power. But what he does with it is unknown and that's worrying him.

"I don't know but I like it. He just got me to see Paris for a week that's amazing. I'm really happy"

"Yeah Alex me too but just be.. careful.. you don't really know him and don't get me wrong I just want the best for you okay? I'm just a little worried about all if this. Don't think I'm not happy for you." Matt stopped walking and turned to Alex to look at him.

"I know you just want the best for me Matt. I appreciate it. I really do but this time I don't know. It's strange but I feel safe with him and i'm not even with him in person. It sounds like the most awkward weird thing but this is it. I have to find things out and I don't think he is going to hurt me on purpose." Alex hugged Matt and smiled after they break up. 

"Okay Ally, if you think so. Now let's get going or we'll be late" Matt smiled now too. 

They walked the rest of the way in a fast pace, smoking another cigarette and talked about school, which subjects they have, what they're going to do in their break and maybe they discussed about Jamie's new girlfriend Katie.


Matt and Alex just arrived at school when the bell started ringing. Both of them went their separate ways to their classes. Alex went to his English class and sat in his usual place in the back.  A girl not familiar to him came into the class room.  She was beautiful. Her hair was medium brown with some caramel undertones and light brown highlights. Her hair wasn't straight or curly. It was something in between those two things. Some strands were mostly wavy and others straight with a light twist. Her fringe was messy too but it suited her mess of a weave perfectly. It doesn't look like she put a lot of effort into her hair, almost like she didn't care at all. Her blue green-ish eyes were standing out the most of her already perfect complexion. She was tall and skinny and just outstanding beautiful.  

"Good morning class! This is your new classmate. Why don't you introduce yourself quickly and then find a seat? Maybe in the back next to Alex." Mr. Mitchell said.

" Hello, as Mr. Mitchell already said. I'm new to this school and my name is -.." 


Can you guess who is coming to the story? 

It's not really that hard 

Let me know what you think:) 

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