Chapter Six: You and I Both Know He'll Eat the Tour Bus.

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    I woke up feeling cramped into the side of my bed. I didn't open my eyes yet, but I did think a lot.  

   Was yesterday a dream? Are the boys really in my living room? I don't wanna wake up. I don't want to wake up. What if it was a dream? The only night of my life I was at pure bliss... Might have been a dream?

  And then I felt someone's arms around me. Annie, if you're sleep walking again I'm going to kill you! I thought. I was hoping it was Niall, trying to comfort me after what I told them last night, but I doubted it. It was probably another dream. Another disapointment, as always.

  I opened my eyes and looked over. Louis was sleeping in my bed, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. I had pajama pants on, so I was praying that he had SOMETHING on. Let's face it, we all know they like to sleep nude.

  "Louis! Louis wake up!" I yelled. I pushed his arm off me and he woke up. We were laying side by side and I was to afraid to move.

  "Oh. Good morning."

  "Sleep walking?"


  "Are you wearing pants?"


  "Can you get ou--" 

  "Hey Lea, your mum called sweetie and she said-- Oh my!" Liam said walking in and seeing Louis and I.

  "Oh my gosh. Louis get off my bed." I said, thoroughly embarrassed.

  "I... Well. This is awkward," Liam said. 

  "He was sleep walking again." 


  Louis got up and went to go find his pants. 

  "As I was saying though, you're mum called, and she'll be out for the day." 

  "Okay, that's cool."

  "Paul's driving us to the tour bus today, and we've gotta go, but you can come see us off, if you like."

  "Alright. I'll get Annie's brother to drive us." 

  "Sounds like a plan. I'll let you get dressed now. Sorry for just barging in."

  "No problem Liam. Thanks."

  He closed the door and I went to find clothes. I put on a cute outfit and went to find Annie.

  "So, get dressed," I concluded as she stood in shock.

  "I can't believe this! I was sure this was all a dream!" 

  "I did too, until I woke up being snuggled by a Louis."

  "Haha, yeah.."

  Annie got dressed and we found her brother. He agreed to give us a ride, and we told him to follow Paul's car. Paul showed up and we piled into his car. Jake was going to follow us out and meet us there. I sat between Zayn and Niall, and Annie sat by Harry and Liam. Louis was sitting in front with Paul, because he had the directions memorized to the bus.

  Harry and Annie were snuggled up together, and he grabbed his phone. 

  "What are you doing?" She asked.

  "You'll see." He snapped a picture of her laying on his chest, both of them grinning. "Do you want me to post this and make things official?" He asked.

  She nodded and threw her arms around him.

  The whole car "Awww" 'd.

 "So Lea, I hope you don't mind if we randomly show up at your door sometime soon," Liam smiled.

  "No problem there," I grinned.

  "Lea, I hope you stay strong. I know it's rough, and you need someone there. I wish I could help," Zayn said.

  "Thank you, Zayn."

  "Yeah, really Lea, any time you need someone, just call. My number's in your phone," Louis said passing me my phone. How did he do that?!

  "Haha thanks Louis."

  "Tell Bunny I love her. And You better be good Lea," Harry said sternly.

  "No problem Harry."

  I smiled and everything got quiet. Niall hadn't said anything, and everyone noticed. 

  "Well Niall? Aren't you gonna tell her anything?" Louis prompted.

  "Uh, yeah. What they said."

  "Thanks..." I said, disapointed.

  We pulled up next to a big black bus, and I knew it was over. They were going to leave, and they would be gone for far too long. I was so proud of them for how far they'd come, and I wouldn't make them stay if I had the chance. But I was just sad that Niall was so unintrested. 

  I was being selfish. 

  "Well, there's our stop. Love you Lea, Annie." Zayn said, hugging us both seperately.

  "Love you," we said.

  "Bye Lea, bye Annie. Hope to see you soon," Liam hugged us and got out to join Zayn. Niall had already climbed out of the door on the other side and headed towards the tour bus. Louis came to the back and huggged me tight. 

  "Don't let anything bring you down, girl. And Annie," He smiled and hugged her, "There's always a new tomorrow." He winked and walked away without waiting for a response.

  "Good bye Annie, I love you. I'll call you, and you have to call me. We'll make this work, I promise," Harry said giving her a huge hug. 

  "Bye sweetie, I love you too." Annie sounded sad.

 "And Lea, don't worry about Niall, he's just hungry." 

  I smiled. "Thanks Harry. Love you." I hugged him and he got out of the car. "Get that boy some food, or he'll eat the tour bus!" I shouted after him.

  Twin and I got into Jacobs car just in time to watch the boys climb into the bus and drive away.

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