Chapter Sixteen: Her Brother's Just as Protective, but He's an awful Driver.

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  "So, I'm really going to meet him? Like, for real?" Peter asked as we walked to Annie's brother Jake's car. I was carrying the car seat, but he had the baby. I had to do some extra tightening for the baby seat, or it would probably fly out of the car and kill the *electronic eerily realistic screaming* baby.

  "Yeah, he said he can't wait to meet you." I smiled. 

  "So, I know he's like your brother, so he's not gonna like.. Hurt me? Right?" Peter was nervous. It was his first time meeting Louis, and he was paranoid to no end.

  "No, he won't hurt you."

  "If he had the insentive to hurt you, I would too, and I'd beat you into last Tuesday," Jake threatened as he got into the car. Peter had squished me between him and the baby, who was now secured in her car seat. Annie was in the front with Jake.

  "Buckle up!" Annie and I told Peter.


  We sped down the highway at what I'm postive is an illegal, and potentially fatal speed, as Peter and I clung to the seat for dear life. Annie was in the front, as fore mentioned, and she was getting used to the speed and reading a book on her phone. 

  We arrived at the little cafe Lou told us to wait at, and sure enough, he was there in disguise. He quickly ushered us all into a large SUV with tinted windows. Paul was in the front, and his pathetic disguise was a fake mustache and a hat.

  "Leabug!!" Lou exclaimed once everyone had piled into the car. he launched himself at me, and we hugged for a minute before he let go. Then he hugged Annie, and shook Jake's hand. "And you, must be Petey."

  "Peter, and yeah, th-thats me.." Peter nervously put out his hand, as if to shake  Lou's, and Louis gave him a look. He put his hand back down and lowered his head. 

  "So, Petey, where's the baby?" Lou said crossing his arms.

  "She's, right here sir..." he replied timidly. "Do you want to hold her?" 

 "Well yeah!" Peter handed Toby to Louis, and Louis' face lit up. He cooed insesently at her for five minutes, while the baby laughed hysterically. I could tell Toby loved him already, and vice versa. 

  We went out for a while on the town, and it continued as before. Louis was teasing Annie and I, Jake and Lou snubbing Peter, and Louis clinging to my baby. He sang her three lullabyes, which made me want to cry I was so happy. Peter seemed upset towards the end. Louis dropped us back off at Jake's car, and once we got home, I followed Peter quickly up the steps. 

  "Hey, you okay?" I asked fiddling with the key.


  "No, you're upset. What's wrong?" I stuffed the key in the lock and turned it. We walked in the house and instantly started unloading stuff. Baby here, coat there, etc.

  "I just wanted to make a good impression, and I feel like I failed. I.. I don't know."

  "No, I get it. Lou just has a grudge on you."

  "Why though? I don't get it!"

  "Oh, I don't know.. Why not ask our baby. Maybe she has the answers." I laughed. He seemed to get it.

  "Okay, that makes sense.. But Jake? He's not even your brother!" 

  "Yeah, he's just protective over me too. I mean, Lou's not my brother either, but they just seem to love me!" I struck a pose and pretended to be a model. Peter laughed.

   We hung around the apartment for a few hours, doing nothing important, and slacking majorly on homework. We had a ton to do for some project in social studies, and three math worksheets. Not to mention an untouched English paper on Paul Revere's Ride. The poem was merely two pages, but we had to have four hundred words by Monday. 

  I didn't mind the homework much, and I kept up easily. I was one of the 'teacher's pets' that people liked to tease. Of course, I blended into the plain background so much they skimmed over me when they were picking on people. It was amazing how Twin and Peter were the only two who really cared. Aside from Zach. 

  He'd been hunting me down everyday, and I got out of talking to him by running off with Peter.

  "Lea, do you have any creamer?" Peter yelled from the kitchen.

  "No, we used the rest this morning."

  "We? Don't you mean you? Your mom's never home."

  "'We' being me and Annie, smart one."


  "Oh  yeah, and Dakota."

  "Wait, Dakota was here?"


  "Why was he here?"

  "Annie wasn't willing to tough it out with the baby alone. She drug him upstairs to socialize."

  "I don't know if I like you hanging around with him."

  "For one, he's just my friend, and for two, you have no say in who I hang out with!"

  "Oh, but Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn do?"



  "You forgot Niall."

  "Not the point! Why don't I get an opinion?!"

  "You'll misuse it."

  I turned on my heel, slamming the bathroom door behind me.

  ((Hey guys! Mega Filler, I know, but don't worry, I'm uploading another one in a little while *sometime today, don't worry* and It'll be loads better. Massive thank you to all my readers! I love you all, new and old!! <3 xx))

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