Chapter Twenty Four: A Cross Dressing Lamb?

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      I rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. It was only 5:30am, so I had at least an hour to sleep. I hated waking up for school after the weekends. I felt it was a waist of time, and they just shouldn't have school so early. Or only every other day, making Mondays a weekend, so we'd never really have a two day weekend anymore. 

  I wish.

  I clenched my eyes shut in attempted to go back to the dream that was now receding from my memory.

  "Just go in sweetie," his mom said, squeezing passed me to what I assumed to be her own room.

  Then I stopped before opening the door. I don't know what made me hesitate, but I decided to leave, then and there. I turned on my heel and grabbed the stroller. I made my way for the door, and Peter grabbed my shoulder.


  "Oh, hey Peter. I was just coming to see what took you so...long?" I paused when I saw Ella come around the corner, fully clothed, and not under Peter. 

  "Oh, sorry about that. Hey, you know Ella, my girlfriend."

  "I didn't know you two were dating, but yeah, I know Ella."

  He smiled and took her under his arm. He's so overrated anyways. 

  I smiled, and politely excused my self to leave. I got outside, and Ella was soon after. Her annoyingly blond-brown ponytail bounced amazingly with every step. I swear she looked like a bobble head on steroids. 

  "Stay. Away from him," she spat into my face before bobbing away.

  I stood on the porch for a moment, and listened to Peter and his mom arguing.

  "Mom! Why'd you let Lea in?! Ella was still here!"

  "Why wouldn't I?!"

  "Because, Lea might have walked in on Ella and I, and gotten the wrong impression!"

  "Oh come off it Peter, Lea's no good, and Ella's perfect."

  "Mom! You know I like Lea!" 

  "Well, that's too bad, isn't it?"

  I woke up to my phone blasting the boys singing a cover of Wonder-wall. I looked at the alarm, which was normally labeled "You have ten minutes. Or else." Now the label read: 


  Last time I let the boys near my phone...

  I lugged myself out of bed, carefully thinking about my dream. It was just a dream, but I had a feeling that Peter's mom really did think that way of me. Maybe it was a set up..

  But why should I care? He's moved on now anyways.

  I stuffed myself into a pair of skinny jeans and looked in my drawer for a shirt.

  You up yet? 

  Liam sent to my phone.

  Yes, I'm up. Trying to find a shirt. And thank you, I am going to school. ~Leabug

  Welcome :PP 

  Your so weird. <3 xx ~Leabug

  I know :o) Hey, as for shirts, I put a new one on your dresser. Look to the top left hand side.

  I sighed and stood up. I looked up, and sure enough there was a new shirt. It was a really short dress that looked braided on the top. I pulled it on over the skinny jeans and pulled on my favorite Lower East Side boots. 

  Thank you! I love it. It's really girlie for me, but I don't even mind!! Thank you thank you thank you! xxx ~Leabug

  No problem. :) Glad you like it :P 

  I don't like it, I love it. Thank you so much Lamb!! <3 <3 <3 xx ~Leabug

  Jeez, you get this excited over a shirt, wait until you see the dresses I ordered for you guys' concert :P

  Ohmygod. I can't wait!! ~Leabug

  But, I did have to tell Haz they were for me...

  I spit the sip of hot coffee I had in my mouth out every where, splattering the room with Lea spit and coffee.

  What?! Ohmygod. Liam's a cross dresser! xD ~Leabug

  Well! It was either that or I had to tell him about you two!

  Thank you a million Liam. I really do appreciate it. But just so you know, the lamb's been in an unfortunate coffee incident.... ~Leabug


  I'm not at liberty to discuss it at the moment, but he now has coffee spots. ~Leabug

  Spit take?

  Spit take -.- ~Leabug

  Lol. You better go to school now. Worry about Lamb later :P

  Okay.. But just so you know, he's getting a new dress. ~Leabug

  Go to school. Tell Annie I love her too. Love you Shaylea R. Miles. <3 xx

  .-. the full name? ~Leabug


  Fine, Liam James Payne. ~Leabug 

  Fair enough :P

  Bye ~Leabug

  Bye <3

 I shut my phone and got up. I ran a brush through my naturally messy hair. It was a cross between curly and straight, so it was always frizzy. 

  Once I was totally ready, book bag and all, I bounced down the steps to wake up Twin and tell her Liam James Payne, was a cross dresser. For us. 

Okay, so short chapter, yes, but don't worry. I'm writing another one as soon as this one's uploaded. Love you all!! <3 xx

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