Chapter 8: Daughter of Darkness

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Hours passed before Hook and Emma returned to Granny's. Lya had long since gone inside leaving Regina outside with Snow and David.

"There you are" Lya heard Regina say as she saw the couple walk up together. "We've looked everywhere for you."

"Emma" Snow said giving her daughter a questioning look at the outfit change. "What happened to you? Are you okay?"

"For now" Emma told her mother. "It looks worse then it is."

"Are you sure?" Regina asked.

"Aye" Hook stated "We're ready to get this sickness out of us." Lya watched her father's facial expressions change suddenly and quickly moved towards the back of the diner to find Merlin. "Where's Merlin?"

"He's inside" David informed the pirate.

"Well let's get on with it then." Hook said "I'll go get him. You wait here."

"Merlin, I think things are about to get ugly" Lya warned the Sorcerer.

"You need to head home to New Orleans." Merlin ordered leaving her and going to leave message for the rest of the group. "If you're receiving this message then things are worse then I feared. There is only one person that can help you to defeat the Dark One now. If you want to destroy the darkness you'll need to find Lya in New Orleans, she'll know..." Lya watched as Merlin was cut off by her father entering. "The Dark One's found me already."

"Heard your preparing for the worse case scenario." Hook said and Lya moved further behind the wall. If Merlin was right about her being the one that can stop the Dark One, she definitely didn't need to be seen. "Sorry mate but it's already here."

Her father rushed forward and yanked Merlin's heart from his chest. Lya watched closely as a scaly looking man appeared in the diner.

"Careful dearie" the man said "That's the oldest heart in all the realms."

"You're too late" Merlin stated "I've already sent a message to the others."

"Oh they can't do anything to stop me" Hook said and Lya cast a clocking spell before sneaking behind the counter. "Not while I have this."

"Excalibur" Merlin let out a small gasp. "What do you want?"

"My revenge" Killian stated "and for that I need to get back to Storybrooke."

"You want to cast the curse" Merlin said "That's not possible. Not without crushing the heart of the thing you love most."

"Which is why I'm not going to crush it" the scaly man said "but somebody else will. Someone who might actually have feelings for you dearie. That's not me but..."

"It is me" the scaly man morphed into a woman that Lya knew to be Nimue.

"Nimue" Merlin gasped

"Remember I am all Dark One's" Nimue told the Sorcerer. "It's romantic isn't. After all that's happened between us your still the thing I love most. And I do love you. I always have."

"But your not really here" Merlin told her.

"No but she is" Hook responded. "She lives in all Dark One's, so when I crush your heart so will she."

In that moment the door open and closed. Nimue, Merlin, Hook, and Lya all looked to see Emma entering the diner.

"You've been lying to me the whole time." Emma said looking straight at Killian.

"When you lied about Excalibur all bets were off" Killian told her. "It was just a matter of time before you tried controlling me and now no one will ever control me again." Hook looked down at the sword. "Go back from wince you came go back to the stone."

An eerie silence fall between the three dark ones and Merlin. For a split second, Merlin's eyes dart towards Lya's hiding place as if telling her to leave. Without having to be told twice she summoned the power of her amulet and teleported back to New Orleans.

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