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this is all to much for me,
I need a minute to just think,
now here we go once again,

how could you hurt me all over
after all you put my heart through so much pain,
I still can't understand,

how could you,
say that you love me,
but your always letting me down,
how could you,
say that you miss me,
but your never really around,

I then lost you once before,
and now I'm losing you again,
seems like I can never catch a win,

thought you said,
no more like lies,
thought you said,
no more good byes,
we use to be so close
but now I just don't know anymore,

Do you not think about me,
do you not miss your family,
why won't you come back to me,
instead of just pushing me away,

I can't,
i can't,
i can't no more,
feels like I can't go,
this pain that's in my heart
is taring me up inside,
I don't know what to feel
or think anymore.
                  Patricia hurt

volume 3 The ink that never stops,and friendsWhere stories live. Discover now