wishful reality

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Back when you smiled you had me then,
but at same time your mind was lost in the sea which is me, thinking about how would he treat me,

would it be better then roster of men,
I have dealt in my past and would he be a great father,
i wonder if you would be wifey material or so we thought,
but as our minds wonder about one another,

when we kiss,
it's like the angels themselves cheered for the love we shared, when we're together,
its like time stood still sometimes,
we could finish each other sentences,

I took your hand and look you in your beautiful eyes,
and didn't have to say a single word,
you felt what I was thinking, these are the things I have been waiting for your love,
my whole life and in that perfect moment we made love for the first time,

I know I had to make you my wife,
but then I woke up from the dream I was having,
and realized that she wasn't real, I couldn't believe that it was only a dream,
why is my mind playing trick on me.

        Aaron M. Witcher

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