isolation system is on

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Laugh outside...
Dead inside...
Isolated all the time....
Listen to vent from all human kind.....
Give them positive thoughts to survive....
Isolation is my time....
Fear of losing people by death all the time.....
Trying to act like i don't care if you don't mind cause it hurts so much inside my heart and mind....
I feal i fear i think all the time...
The thoughts of being dead in my mind all the time...
I am enough to my friends but to family i'm never enough to please anyone....
My life is a joke...Believe me i'm not laughing...
All the time i think about death...
All the time laughing with you...
All the time my heart bleeds inside....
I wonder why i'm even still alive...
Laugh outside...
Dead inside...

By Dina

volume 3 The ink that never stops,and friendsWhere stories live. Discover now