twisted past

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tonight I sit again the same thoughts going round and round in my head...
my demons becoming friends the darkness shrouding my soul...
the more I pick up this pen letting it all go the more I feel alone...
i swear lately I've become a rock just laying on the ground useless just picked up and dropped...
people say they can't be around because I'm negative..
but they don't understand the flashbacks because to them its not relevant
they were never beaten and raped by there relatives
they had a mom and dad who always loved and cared for them never beat them with objects.. had weekly visits to the hospital to see pictures of a broken skeleton...
never had to say "I fell out of a tree to the doctor or a teacher for the hell of it"...
man I'm sick and tired of the
fu** it....
that's real talk 💯💀

John tennant

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