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Why are you still here?
Nobody wants you
Nobody needs you
What is it that you fear?
You’re just worthless and stupid
And you’re gonna die alone with nobody to hold besides that knife that’s gonna ultimately end your life
You’ll never grow old with your wife
You’ll never see the sunshine when you walk outside because all you’ll see is your voices following behind
Going crazy inside your head as if your voices are throwing up gang signs
You’ll probably gauge your eyes out just to stop the blame and not give a damn if you become blind
There’s not to much work we have to do because you’ve already lost your mind
You worthless bitch
You’ll listen to anything that I say
Even if I tell you to ruin your day
You’ll do it
Even if I tell you to run your car over the bridge
You’ll do it
I can see you now picking your brain splatters up bit by bit
You’ll never make it to be 30 and if you do you’ll just be old and dirty
You’d rather suffer because even suicide said you’re not worth it
You’ll never make it in school
You’ll drop out again and just be another fool
Still scrubbing toilets and pushing a broom because you’ve convinced yourself that it’s cool
Deep down you wanna cry
You wanna give up and you no longer wanna try
Just give up!
You’ll never make it!
You’ll never be smart!
You’ll be the one left out!
The one nobody will ever give a damn about!
Your cry so much that your eyes will become a drought!
You’ll lose your voice so you can no longer scream or shout
Or yell
Why are you still here!
Why are you still fighting!
Why do you still show that sickening sign of fighting
The way you act tough
And the way that glass breaks
It’s just as frightening!
You know you’re worthless!
You know nobody loves you!
You know you don’t matter!
Why not just do us all a favor!
Why not just…..

By raee

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