hidden flower

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You were a pretty flower
But it never showed
You were a hidden flower
Hidden in the prettiest tall green grass that one had ever seen

Nobody ever spotted you
It’s like they didn’t want to
You were stepped on multiple times
Crumbled by countless number of shoes and boots

I heard your screams
I heard your cries and I felt your trembles
I picked you up once
Your knife edge thrones pierced through my skin
You scolded me
Told me to never do that again

The wind
It was so
It felt like the smoothest hand caressing my skin

It lightly touched my face
Whispering to me that it’s gonna be ok
I was starstruck and didn’t know what to say

I want to find you
Why are you hidden?
Do you think nobody loves you?
So what that you’re missing pedals

Let’s start from scratch
Blossom together
Let’s turn us into forever
Hidden flower

I want you to know
That everyone is broken
Sometimes it’s hard to breathe
We start choking
We lose faith and we stop hoping
But hidden flower
I love you

Forget the grass
Forget the ones who’ve hurt you
Hidden flower
Just let me do
What they never could
Hidden flower


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