beginning to end

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Where do i begin,
cause i don't know where I belong,
I just wanna fit in,
does this pain ever end,

I'm tire of writing my heart out,
and I'm tired of the same old thing,
I need something different,
like a new beginning,

it's clockwise with you,
and that's one thing I won't do,
I gotta move on with my life,
I can't wait around for you,

no second chance's,
I'll take my losses,
so let me go,please

tired of you taking advantage of me,
I'm a good women you see,
that's what lives in me,

you wasn't appreciative of me,
you couldn't support me,
In my time of need,
you couldn't love me,
like I needed to be,

there was time,
i broken and Lonely,
with tears in my eyes,
so again I say,
where do i begin,
where do I belong.

Patricia hurt

volume 3 The ink that never stops,and friendsWhere stories live. Discover now