Moonlight Sonata

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The day fell into night's palm
  as the moon crept in to replace the sun,
The only light left to brighten this house
  was the spark of love that glowed as a candle,
Twinkling in the dark were our hearts intertwined
  without a touch, but a lust, a love that was ignited
  when our eyes met and set on each others soul this
  peaceful night; Peaceful like Moonlight Sonata played
  in a theater with no audience, peaceful like the shooting star
  that only you and I see when everyone else is asleep,
A romance hidden in the night, like the melody
  hidden in black piano keys, or the stars when they
  dance in harmony to the song of our
  hearts as they beat, in unison, like The
  romantic Moonlight Sonata.

          By Kasey Beasley

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