The room

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The Room,
The Room is dark,
The Room is bright,
One Room on the left, another one on the right,.
I’m in between, which to choose?

If one is win, the other lose,.
Can’t conclude,where to start,?
Blinding the light, dense to the dark,.
Neither is open to which it may hide,
But the roads leading to each has nothing to hide,
Confusing the message, knowledge is not here,
To call aloud to my wondering ear,

There it was! Something to hear,
From the dense of the darkness,
Were crying with tears,
Shaking in fear, the ending of years,
From amongst those sighs,
The Ending is here,
Then it was clear,

Almost inside, before I could die,
A sound shot forth from the light,.
Thunderous voicing! , from amongst those rejoicing!
Asking ,what are you doing?

I reply, can’t speak long,
I walked the road that’s leading me here,
From amongst those rejoicing, the thunderous voicing,
Spoke and said life is HERE,
The choice was mine, it all was clear,
Nothing was hidden, if eye were ear.
           Kasey kausar beasley

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