let the hurt go

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~Imagine you are in a room, 
in front of you there is a kite. 
You walk towards it, 
examining every inch of it before you pick it up.

But when you pick it up, 
you are holding it by the sharp end. 
It doesn’t hurt you. 
So you hold onto it tighter..and tighter..and tighter...
okay it hurts now, and you are bleeding.

But you’re still holding onto the knife. Why? 
You know the reason you are hurting is because you’re holding onto the knife.
so why don’t you let go? 
You don’t want to let go because you are afraid you will lose it.

But it’s hurting you right?
Well I can promise you this, 
If you don’t let go of the knife,it will never stop hurting.
But if you let go, yes it will still be stinging, 
but I bet someone wouldn’t mind patching it up for you. 
They will stop the bleeding for you, and you can let it heal..
yes it will leave a scar, 
but that scar is to remind you,
Don’t hold on to something that hurts you...❤️~

Now replace the knife with someone who is hurting you..

By raven

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