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"The fuck did you just say to Peter?" Tony asked, stepping forward. Flash paled. "I, uh, well, you see, sir," He sputtered. "Son, I don't like bullies. So when I see you bullying our kid, well, it doesn't make me exactly happy," Steve was wearing his trademark Look of Disapproval. Peter edged back into the crowd. "I-I apologize for the way I treated him, it was a fairly exotic story a-and I assumed that he was lying, that's all!" Flash stuttered. "It seemed like a lot more than that," Wanda snarled, hands starting to glow red. Clint had disappeared. Peter searched the room, gasping when he saw the archer slowly descending from a vent on the ceiling, holding on to a rope with his bow drawn. "Mr. Barton! No killing minors around here!" Peter said quietly, knowing Clint could hear him. The archer turned and stuck a tongue out at him, then continued climbing down. After a quick glance around to check that no one was looking, Peter decided he would 'innocently use' the magnetic knife Natasha gave to him when she discovered someone was bullying him. Of course, he had told her the issue was resolved some time ago, but she let him keep it anyways. Peter drew the knife from his pocket, and hit a button so that it expanded. The boy then threw it, severing the rope keeping Clint from falling. The knife came back to Peter and attached itself to the magnet, and Clint almost yelled. Instead, he replaced the current arrow with a grappling arrow, and shot his way back to the stage before flipping off Peter. Peter just smirked at him and mouthed: "No killing minors."

        Meanwhile, Natasha had drawn two throwing knives and was nonchalantly cleaning the dirt from underneath her fingernails. She then smiled sweetly at Flash, but anyone could tell that it was anything but sweet. Thor had pulled out his hammer. "Is someone threatening the man of spi-" He boomed, before Tony quickly cut him off. "I suggest that you apologize," He said sharply, raising a hand. Peter frowned, confused at the gesture until he gasped. His wristwatch was expanding, covering his hand in an Iron Glove.

       Flash looked terrified. "Y-yeah, uh, Peter, I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did about you," Peter sighed. It obviously wasn't genuine, but if he didn't accept the apology, the Avengers would likely murder Flash. "It's okay," Peter said, trying to make it sound real. Tony stared at Peter for a second before nodding, the glove returning to his watch. Wanda's and Bruce's eyes faded - from red with Wanda and green with Bruce - and returned to their natural colors. Thor awkwardly put his hammer down on the stage. Steve stepped back, unclenching his fists, and Nat put her knives away. Vision's stone stopped glowing, and Clint put his bow away. Bucky's gun disengaged. Rhodey let his hand that was summoning the Iron Soldier fall, and Sam let his wingsuit collapse into a small case. "Enjoy the rest of your tour," Tony said, turning away. Peter's StarkPhone pinged. We will talk about this later. Love, Nat. Ned gasped. "You have the Black Widow's phone number?" "After everything you've learned about me, THIS surprises you?" Peter groaned. MJ looked - gasp - interested. "Do you think you could get me an interview with her? I run a website on powerful female figures. It would be very popular," She said offhandedly. Peter grinned. "Sure! I'm positive that she would love to meet you," Amaya awkwardly led the tour group out of the conference room.

        "We are going to the Avengers archives. There are little stations on each Avenger. Maybe you can learn something," Amaya said as she opened the door. Peter wandered over to Tony's display. He already knew all about him: graduated MIT at 21, can lift up to 100 tons, etc. "Dude!" Ned whispered in Peter's ear. "They have an exhibit on you!" Peter looked around, and saw a glass box containing the first suit Tony made for him. There was a list of facts on a plaque next to the case. "1. He has a sixth sense known as the spidey sense that can detect danger. 2. He can shoot web faster than a gun. 3. His web can hold the Hulk. 4. Only a handful of people know his true identity. 5. His favorite foods are gummy bears and churros. 6. According to AP physics, he can hypothetically lift 3,000 tons," Peter read aloud, then rolled his eyes at #7, that had been scrawled in with a pen by one Tony Stark. "6. He is actually a huge nerd," The boy sighed when Ned started laughing. "He knows!" MJ said spookily from behind them. Peter jumped, and Ned yelled: "How do you creep up on people like that?" MJ laughed. "I just do. And I saw Peter here jump. Spidey senses aren't all that they're cracked up to be, huh?" She smiled evilly. "Well you aren't danger, are you?" Peter said defensively. "Who knows?" MJ's grin widened.

Flash sidled up to the trio, then, after a quick look around, snarled at Peter and Ned: "Why are you two looking at such a cool Avenger? Lame people like you don't deserve that." Michelle cleared her throat. "I'd kick you in the teeth, but I wouldn't want to improve your looks," She declared. "What a nobody! Sticking up for people that just waste your time," Flash spat. "Somewhere or there is a tree. It is working very hard to replace the oxygen you are wasting in this conversation. Now go apologize." MJ rolled her eyes. Flash just glared at her, then stalked off. Peter and Ned thanked MJ yet again, and were about to go check out another exhibit when a voice rang out from a nearby entrance, accompanied by a soda can flying toward Peter's head.

"This bitch is empty! YEET!"

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