Look, I Get This Is a Field Trip, But How do You Know Me?

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Not a request, something I wanted to try. PLEASE REQUEST XD. You guys are going to hate me for part of this, it's an angst/fluff and if you requested then you may not have to suffer through some of these (wink wink). Enjoy!

PS. Organic Webbing is a thing in this

Trigger Warnings: Selective amnesia

Things were not going well during Peter's latest fight. His suit was partially fried and not functioning well, so when the crazy-strong guy grabbed him and was slamming him into the wall, he was basically saying his last goodbyes. 

The world was fading out and Peter thought of his favorite memories of the past few months - meeting Tony, then the Avengers. Tony hugging him when Peter finally called him "Dad". Bucky's cooking. Natasha curling up in bed with him so that Peter's nightmares went away. Sparring with Steve. Pranks with Shuri and Wanda. Mario Kart with Clint and Sam. Working on a science project with Bruce. Visiting Asgard with Thor and Loki, after he lifted Thor's hammer. Talking to Rhodey when Tony had yelled at him for putting his life at risk. Vision helping Peter when he went on patrol and got shot (multiple times). Talking about their insect and arachnid alter-egos with Scott. Avengers movie night. His favorite memories were so much of the Avengers. 

Peter's last glimpses were of the man running away. He wanted to get up, but he was- he was so tired and all he wanted to do was... sleep...

And the world went black.

~This is Bob. He is a time skip.~

"Guys, I'm seriously worried about Peter," Natasha said, looking at the rest of the Avengers. Tony nodded. You could see the bags under his eyes from lack of sleep due to worry. "Should we try to find him?" Clint asked, fiddling with one of his arrows. "It's been five days since we last saw him, the longest he's ever been away is eight in a row. When he went on vacation with May," Tony pointed out. "Okay, maybe we wait two more days? Remember what happened last time we freaked out about him missing?" Bruce pointed out. 

They remembered. 

The media had a field day when the Avengers all showed up at Peter's apartment, demanding that they were let in and that Peter was okay. (In their defense, it had been six days.) When Peter had finally opened the door, he had looked upon all of them with disbelief. "Guys, really?" Peter had exclaimed. "I've just been working on a school project with Ned! I was going to call you guys today!" 

It was a good thing that the press had never seen Peter's face.

"Okay, maybe you're right," Sam conceded. "Two days. That's it."

~This is Miranda. She is Bob's girlfriend, and also a time skip.~

Peter was bouncing in his seat on the bus, incredibly excited. They were going on a field trip to Avengers Tower!!! May had looked confused when he ran into the room and waved the form in her face. "I thought you would be dreading this more," She had said, laughing a bit. "Why would I be dreading it?" Peter had asked, frowning. May just shrugged, then scrawled her signature quickly.

"I can't believe we're going to Avengers Tower!" Peter exclaimed to Ned. Ned glanced at him, confused and excited. "I know! It's going to be amazing. You're the luckiest person in the world!" Peter hesitated. "But... we're all going. Why am I the lucky one?" He asked. Ned paused, opening his mouth to say something, when the teacher interrupted, yelling for them to stand up and file out of the bus. 

Maybe, Peter decided, Ned meant something about him being Spider-Man. That seemed like the most obvious solution. When a tour guide strolled up, she had passed out the badges. Then she had paused at him. "Uh... Peter Parker? It says here you have your own badge." 

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