Human Shield

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It's short, but it's content. 

Basically it's a part of Whumptober 2019. I had no inspiration but I decided to get something out here tonight, though it's really short. Hopefully you guessed by the title that it was a whump, plus I just said it up there ^ but if you don't know what that is...

Whump is like physical pain while angst would be more emotional. That's the best way I could describe it.

Anyways, enjoy the little bit of content I'll get out!

Peter honestly hated the galas that Tony brought him to. After being outed to the world as Mr. Stark's 'intern', it only made sense that he would have to show up at some point. 

At any rate, people were starting to get suspicious that Tony Stark's personal and closest intern was never anywhere to be seen, despite the fact that multiple less-important interns were regularly there.

Currently, Peter was sitting at the bar with Natasha, drinking a lemonade. 

"You don't seem to be having much fun," She pointed out wryly, lips twitching up in a hint of amusement. 

Peter widened his eyes exaggeratedly. "Oh, really? What gave it away?"

Natasha smirked a bit at his retort. "I honestly wish we could ditch," She said noncommittally. "Yeah, well. You can imagine what the press would think. 'Stark's Intern Leaves Party With Black Widow: Is Peter Parker Secretly a Spy?'" Peter imitated with a grin. 

The woman nudged him with an elbow, and Peter just laughed. Natasha was clearly hiding a smile.

Multiple people were watching the two as they chatted, although Peter was trying to ignore them. He could hear them whispering - he had enhanced senses, for crying out loud. 

"Who knows? For all they do, you could be a spy," Natasha replied, amused. "Yeah, but there's one flaw in that plan, Auntie Tasha. I'm not.

Peter saw out of the corner of his eye that a few people averted their gazes at his words.

"Kid! Nat!" Tony called, approaching the two with a wide grin. Peter straightened instinctively at the sound of his voice. "Hello, Mr. Stark," He said quickly. That was how they were expected to act in public. Professional. Because as far as they knew, there was no relationship further than businesslike. Not a mentor-protégé relationship. And certainly not a father-son one. 

Even so, Tony flinched slightly at the cool formality of the words, without any hint of emotion. Peter winced, trying to send a message with his eyes - sorry.

Tony got the message and understanding flashed in his eyes. "Ah- uh, yes, hello, Peter," He amended quickly. Hey, Nat." Peter gave Tony a skeptical look. He kind of already blew his cover, but whatever. 

"What's up?" Tony backtracked awkwardly. Peter slammed his face into the table. Natasha poked him with a small grin. "Not much. How are you, Tony?" She inquired, amusement clear in her tone. 

"Well, I'm about to have to go make a speech. I wanted to see if my ki - ahem, Peter -  would like to be up there with me."

Peter hesitated. Sure, it would be cool. But it would be boring, not to mention embarrassing as hell. Tony turned to him with a smothered hopeful look. 

"I- uh, sure, Mr. Stark. Sounds good!" Peter stammered out after a pause. After all, people may end up wondering why he wasn't there. With the way things were going, it may end up seeming more suspicious and less formal. 

Tony smiled slightly in a poorly-disguised expression of relief. Natasha grinned at him. "Knock 'em out."

Peter raised an eyebrow at her. The woman only smirked. "Literally or figuratively."

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