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Update: it's Friday, October 11th, I'm way behind for the second time, I just chugged a thing of coffee and I'm sitting with tea beside me and I'm about to go on a writing extravaganza.

Update: Now it's Sunday at 10 pm, I need to update fast and I'm writing hella fast

Update: I missed the update. Sorry :/ i'm trying

Requested by fan_girl2403 !

As it turned out, Peter was actually having a rather good day. Well, technically it was night now, about midnight.

He and the rest of the Avengers had just taken down an enormous, highly powerful supervillain that was threatening New York and the surrounding area.

But when he saw the small, glowing object lying among the ruins, Peter had every intention of bringing it to Tony for it to be analyzed.

"Mr. Stark would want this, right?" He muttered aloud, staring at it.

However, as soon as he touched it, it started to glow. Peter stumbled backwards, but it felt as though he were glued to the spot. When he was finally able to rip his hand away, his heart was racing and the boy shook his hand out frantically.

"I should probably tell Mr. Stark," He mumbled, clutching his hand.

I guess I'll tell Tony about it once we're back at the compound, Peter decided, not wanting to attempt to pick it up again.

Quickly, Peter turned and webbed his way across the city over the loud noises of traffic and people talking.

Once he made it to the compound, Peter stumbled into a quick roll and shakily started walking toward the entrance.

He didn't make it very far before blackness encroached upon his vision that wasn't there before and the ground was rushing toward him.

Tony's POV

"Boss, Peter has entered the premises. He appears to have just passed out," FRIDAY told Tony, startling him out of his researching.

"I- what? Where?" Tony demanded, jumping up and ready to move. "Right outside of the back entrance, sir," She replied.

The minute it took for him to get to Peter's side was a dazed blur of color and lights. Crouching, Tony lifted Peter easily into his arms - the kid was way lighter than any human being should be, thanks to his spider genes.

Before Tony even got to the Med Bay, Peter was stirring. He opened his eyes and looked up at Tony, confused.

"What's going on?" Peter asked flatly. Tony exhaled in relief. "You passed out," The man told him, not ready to put the boy down.

Peter frowned. "Okay."

Tony looked at him hesitantly. Normally he'd be talking a mile a minute at this point about something or other. Instead, Peter was silent, watching Tony expectantly.

There was a beat of silence.

"Are you going to put me down?" Peter asked, amused and almost exasperated.

"Are you hurt?" Tony retorted, scanning through boy up and down before putting him down on his feet. "Nope," Peter said easily.

"I- okay?" Tony began hesitantly.

Peter just nodded and left the area without another word.

"What the hell?"


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