Ned, you Traitor.

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"I really am sorry," Mr. Harrington said. "You're one of our best students, but you have too many absences to go on this trip." Peter sighed. "But since you're a good student - just, take tomorrow off. Chill or whatever, okay?" The teacher asked. Peter nodded reluctantly.


"Kid, are you okay?" Tony asked with a concerned tone. "I'm fine..." Peter muttered, not looking up from his web shooters. "Kid," Tony repeated. When Peter didn't answer, the man grabbed the web shooters and chucked them across the room. "KID!" Peter grabbed at the web shooters as they hurtled away, then quickly shot a web at them, keeping them from being damaged. "Mr. Stark! You know I hate shooting webs without my shooters!" He complained. "Peter - what's wrong? You haven't been yourself. You didn't accept Bucky's cookies, you didn't talk to Happy on the way here, and normally you're fine with talking my ear off in the labs!" Tony rolled his eyes. "It's nothing..." Peter muttered again. "It most certainly is not nothing!" The man exclaimed. "It's just - there's a field trip tomorrow - to some awesome science place - and I can't go because I've been absent too much!" Peter burst out. Tony was silent for a second. "Well, you're coming here tomorrow then. We'll spend the day with myself and the other Avengers, after all, we are probably much cooler than some science place," Tony pointed out. Peter nudged him. "You ARE a science place," The boy reminded him. "All the better. We're probably a cooler science place too." Tony grinned at Peter, causing the boy to sigh and grin back.

Group Chat: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, and Michelle Jones

Peter Parkour: Where are we going to for the trip?
Guy in the Recliner: Nowhere you know about. It sounds boring.
BossBitch: I wasn't paying attention, guess I won't see you tomorrow, Peter.
Peter Parkour: See ya - Mr. Stark's calling me.
Read 6:42 pm

Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds

BossBitch: So, where are we going?
Guy in the Recliner: Stark Tower.
BossBitch: Nedmund LEEDS!
Guy in the Recliner: Nedmund?
BossBitch: Do you really think I can just say 'Ned LEEDS!' and still sound incredibly disappointed?
Guy in the Recliner: I guess not. See you later.
Read 6:45 pm


"Peter!" Clint screamed. "AGH KATNISS PERSONAL SPACE!" The boy in question yelled, leaping out of the bed and crouching on the ceiling. "It's time for breakfast - War is breaking out." Peter blinked, and nodded solemnly. "We're getting the donuts this time," He said. "Hell yeah." Clint grinned ferally, then jumped into the vents. "Equip plan Delta," The man whispered, then snuck away. Peter flattened himself against the ceiling and crawled slowly, staying out of the light to avoid shadows. Suddenly, his Spidey Sense went off, so he quickly ducked around the corner and avoided Steve's glance. Clint winked at Peter from the vents, and gave him a thumbs up. That was when they moved. Clint dropped a vent on the opposite side of the room, causing the Avengers to look over there. While they were distracted, Peter hooked up his web shooters and shot a web toward the box of donuts, which latched on and Peter pulled it toward him. The boy's Spidey Sense went off, so he quickly shot a web down the hall and swung away, narrowly avoiding Natasha's knife. Peter and Clint rendezvoused in Clint's room, where they triumphantly locked the door and started eating donuts. "UNDEROOS! KATNISS! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE OR I WILL SHOOT THIS DOOR DOWN!" Tony yelled. "LANGUAGE!" Steve yelled soon after.

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