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i ended up doing a short zombie apocalypse shot: it's kinda like world war z without all the government mission stuff plus with a twist because it's boring if we don't have antagonists so we're not doin the deadly disease thing

plus feelin the apocalypse vibes

i've been working on this for a few weeks now lmao


Peter was with Tony and a few others when it started.

News had been coming around from other cities: snippets of mindless people racing around, attacking and turning - that had been the word coined - others.

They were stuck in long buildups on the road when a motorcycle crashed through lines of traffic, knocking off the side-view mirror of a nearby car. Tony and Natasha stepped out of the car to see what was happening, followed by Peter and Wade quickly. That left the car empty.

Cars were oddly silent around them, leaving only a ringing in Peter's ears. A man in police uniform ran up to them.

"Get back in your car immediately! Stay with your-"

Whatever the cop was about to say was interrupted by a truck slamming into him and crushing through all of the traffic, plowing its way through the city.

Tony cursed and they started to head back to the car, when the crowd came. Floods of people, screaming and shouting, ran past them through the streets.

Natasha spotted something in the crowd and ran toward it.

Then Peter saw his first.

She looked like any other woman, except bleeding and decaying from multiple wounds - likely from where she had smashed her head against a car windshield. She tackled a nearby man to the ground and ripped into him, leaving the man spasming on the ground.

An internal clock started ticking in Peter's head: 12 seconds, then the man stopped and joined what had become a mass of mindless people running at the crowd. Just like on the news.

Peter screamed a warning to Natasha, who turned to run - but the zombies parted around her and didn't give her a second glance.

This had all clearly occurred to Tony, who was muttering under his breath.

"Right. I'm sending for an airplane right now," The man said hurriedly, motioning for them to start moving.

Peter double-tapped his watch and his spider suit formed around him, and Tony did the same thing for his Iron Man suit. That left Wade, already suited up, and Natasha, who had made her way back faster than the horde - them having been delayed by taking down more passerby - and was handing guns to Wade.

Natasha swung onto Tony's shoulders in a practiced fashion and Wade grabbed onto Peter's waist.

"We gotta get out of here. Now," Natasha instructed.

"What about the people?" Peter protested. "We can't just leave them!!" The boy saw a small girl knocked to the ground and attacked by the people - no, by the zombies.

"We have to. We have no idea what we're dealing with, and if we're... turned, or whatever the newscaster said earlier, then the rest of them are screwed." Tony retorted. "We can't head to the Avengers complex, FRIDAY says that's compromised. Wade, would you let go of Peter for a sec?"

Wade dutifully let go for a few seconds, and a roar built in Peter's ears as a rocket came toward him. It was the newly familiar feeling of the Iron Spider suit, and Tony nodded approvingly.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now