Spider Powers Are Insane

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Okay guys. So many people have requested Spideypool, Stony, etc. So, here's the result. I don't really know how to collect everybody who requested this, but a few notable requests I remember are "give me the gayest fluff you have" and "SPIDEYPOOL SPIDEYPOOL SPIDEYPOOL"

So yeah. We get Stony, other gay stuff right off the bat, plus eventual Spideypool and Shurichelle ;)

Also, this is fulfilling another request for exploring the cool spider powers and the user is somewhere beneath my notifications sooo :/

Peter had been experiencing an exceptionally dismal week. It had all started when he was battling the Queen, a woman with power over all sorts of insects. Of course, Peter's arachnid genes were not helping him with the entire issue. However, with a touch of assistance from Natasha, Tony, and Wade, they had made quick work of her.

During the entire business, something unusual had happened to Peter. His senses seemed sharper, and his healing factor appeared to work better.

And that's when it all began.

"Peter!" Wade called from where he perched outside the window. The boy in question glanced over to see him, in complete costume, waving wildly. Peter gradually raised an eyebrow in a mixture of bewilderment and amusement.

He strolled over to the window and unlatched it, letting Wade tumble in with a grin. As soon as he reached the ground, FRIDAY started producing a siren-like sound. "Wade Wilson has accessed the premises. Initiating Deadpool protocol. Boss is on his way."

A few seconds later, Tony sprinted into the area with a broom. "Wilson," He stated threateningly, eyes narrowed. "Why are you here?" Peter stared back and forth between the pair, until Wade answered, in a cheerful tone, "I'm visiting Peter!"

"No!" Tony asserted, moving in front of Peter in an instantaneous, neat motion and pushing the boy backward several steps. "My son."

Peter looked up, shock flowing through his veins. "Your son?" He asked in disbelief, heart racing. The boy immediately regretted it - what if Tony took it back? What if he decided he hated Peter?

Instead, the man only made a face at him. "Don't get used to it, kid," Tony replied, smirking. Peter frowned at him playfully. "Well, I was going to consider calling you by a better name, Mr. Stark," The boy retorted thoughtfully.  Tony wrinkled his nose at Peter, visibly attempting to fight back a smile.

"Whatever, Wade, you know you were supposed to visit later. It's lab time," The man added, not legitimately frustrated, but exasperated. Peter gave Wade a small shrug, along with a 'what can I do' look. Wade looked down, his body language all disappointment, and then reluctantly climbed back out the window.

"I'll see you later, Petey!" The boy called, letting himself plummet through the sky and out of sight.

"Tony?" A concerned voice came from the doorway. Peter turned around to see Steve leaning against the doorframe, looking confused. "Did he have a parachute?" The man questioned. Tony shrugged unapologetically. "Probably not. He'll be fine."

Peter walked over to Steve to hug him, grinning. "Hey, Uncle Steve," He greeted, smirking at Tony over the older man's shoulder. Steve smiled widely. "Hey, Peter. How was school today?"

Peter reflected on the day. "Well, Wade was chatting with me the whole time. Oh, and MJ was calling Shuri, and you know what happens when those two are talking," He surmised.

Steve gave him a sympathetic pat on the back before moving to Tony's side and giving the man a quick kiss.

Peter groaned. "Ew, could you do that when I'm not around to witness it? I support it, of course, you guys are like my OTP, but also ew."

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