Chapter Three

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Emily P.O.V

I can't believe that she did that yesterday, I don't know what I'm going to do bout her but I am going to have to find out what to do about her. I can't stand that a new girl has caused so much trouble to our empire already, "That faggot of a birth is going to get what she deserves." I said as I was trying to cover the newly formed bruise under my eye, with makeup. "Em, we can't do anything about her." one of these girls that follow me around as a lost puppy said. "The fuck I can't," I say after reapplying my lipstick, I noded to the door but before we walk out of the door I look at the three girls that are my 'friends' and say, "We will find out what to do with that bitch, but for now just watch her. After I say that I walk out of the door towards the cafeteria, and a few ideas popped into my head after I got the best idea I got onto the table.

Kathleen P.O.V

It was a new day, and to be honest, I was having a very good day as the day went on the guys, Annabella and I were getting along pretty well, we figured out that besides our sexuality we had quite a bit in common, we had some classes same, and in the one class that we all had together we are all working on it together. As we were on our way to lunch Niall made a joke that made us all break out into laughs and as we were walking into the cafeteria laughing we all decided to sit at Harry's table. 

As we sat down at the table we all looked at Niall's plate that had three slices of pizza, a bag of chips, and a hot dog. "wow someone's hungry," I say which made everyone at our table laugh but just like that, the color left Harry's face. "Haz?" I say looking at where he was staring, the girl I punched was up on a table. "everyone I want you to meet another fag who just started going to this school." she said pointing towards me. "Kat don't..." before Harry could finish, I stepped on our table and skipped from one table to another until I was on the same table as her. "you have a big mouth, don't you?" I asked. "well we all know who the fag likes." Emily said pointing to my table. "ok listen, all of you," I shout, "I don't care about anyone's sexuality. I care about who's on the inside. so, yeah, I have a gay friend! so what? I believe inequality, and fag is offensive term. but, your just jealous because Louis is hanging out with a bisexual girl and she's not you. You're mad. After all, he turned you down because he's gay. that's how the whole school knows, isn't it?" I asked. "you and your fag friends can burn in hell." she says. "if you want to fuck me, try it." I say and as soon as I said it, she turned as white as a ghost.

"that's your whole problem isn't it?" I asked. "Kat what are you going on about?" harry asked. "it all makes sense now," I whispered to myself. "I know why you do this shit, Emily. you like a girl and you are confused because of your parents. You're becoming gay and you fight it every day by putting down the gays around you." I say and she starts shaking. "what the hell are you going on about?" Emily asked. "there's a girl you're crushing on. You're confused about it because your parents always told you guys are who you are meant to date if you're a girl and girls if you are a guy. so, instead, of worrying about your feelings you put people down." I say.

Annabella P.O.V

"You're fucking stupid if you think that way." I say then the one person speaks up that I wish never had, "Emily. You're lying to yourself, I never turned you down like you told everyone. you called me that night to tell me how you feel about Annabelle." Louis said. I jumped off the table and ran out of the cafeteria. But not before hearing Kathleen say, "I hear one more person say anything offense towards the LGBT community then you are I will fuck you up."

"o.m.g!" Louis said. "did she just?' Niall asked. "Yep..." I said "wow." Zayn says. "that was sexy." Annabelle said. "you bet your hot ass it was," Kat said. "Anna?" Zayn said. "hmm..." she mumbled. "just tell her," Zayn said. "I can't cause she wouldn't like me like that." Annabelle said. "everyone was shocked I just sat there with a grin on my face because on our first day in detention together, yesterday, Kat was pointing out how 'hot' Annabelle was.

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