Chapter Eight

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Harry P.O.V

I knocked on Kat's door and when she opened the door, I was shocked. she pulled me into a hug which ended up with me carrying her to her bedroom. I got a cloth to wash her face, but I was washing more than the tears off her face, I was washing makeup off too. not just any kind of makeup, cover-up. I then see what she was covering up. there were a big black and blue mark around her eye and cuts on her cheek. I then noticed her pulling on her sleeve and I remembered that that was what I used to do when I cut. I pulled up the sleeve seeing twenty-seven new cuts.

"Kat, baby, what happened?" I whispered. "my mom beat me for the first time in years." she sobbed. "come on Kat, let's go see the others you need to tell them they're worried about you." I say. "that's not the worst Haz, my mom's making us move." Kat said. "when?" I asked. "twenty-seven days. but, please don't tell the others." she said.

Kathleen P.O.V

Haz got me out of bed and go me dressed saying I need to be around people who love me. "Kat, no make-up," he said taking my cover-up.

I put on my camo skinny jeans and a gray jacket with a beanie on my head. once we were outside of the pizza shop, he asked me if I was ready, I shook my head signaling a no, and he grabbed my hand so that I knew he would always be there for me; to care about me. so, then I nodded my head and we walked over to the gang.

Louis P.O.V

"I'm worried," I say. "Haz's with Kat don't worry about him," Anna said. " I actually am not that worried about him; I'm worried about Kat." I say. "why?" Niall asked when Zayn said, "me too." "because, Nialler, Kat was home alone all day long, she would have texted all of us during lunch but she only texted Haz. then he was the only one allowed to go see her." I said. " well harry was her friend first. maybe, she trusts him more." Liam said. "hey guys." someone whispered, we all turn around seeing my amazing boyfriend holding his bruised best friend's hand. "Kat. what. the. fuck?" Liam swore for the first time. Kat then dropped her head biting her busted lip.

Anabelle P.O.V

what I saw in front of me broke my heart. my always beautiful crush now was ugly with cuts and bruises, but mostly tears. "Kat, come here," I whispered.

she walked over to me and sat on my lap. I tilted her head up, so she was looking at me then I kissed her black eye, all the cuts that were all over her face. then I kissed her busted lip. "I love you, Kat, now who did this to you?" I say and she just cried but, then her phone rang.

Kathleen P.O.V

"daddy." I said answering my phone. "baby, have you been crying?" he asked. "yes daddy." I say wiping my tears away. "want to talk about it?" he asked. "no daddy." I state. he dropped it and asked, "baby can I tell you something?" then said without waiting for my response, "I'm going to propose to her." I then felt myself fall.

Harry P.O.V

she just dropped, I picked up the phone and spoke in it, "sir, meet us at the hospital."

we have been in the waiting room for a long time, when Kat's dad just got her the doctor walked into the waiting area, "are you Ms. Kathleen's father?" the female doctor asked. "Yes." Kat's father said. "her blood rate was very low; she also has bruises for an adult fist around her jaw and eye. she also has a busted lip and cuts on her face. I have a feeling she was beaten by an adult." the doctor stated. "anything else?" I asked. "she is on suicide watch." the doctor said. we were all now paying very close attention, when she added, "she has deep cuts on her arm and a low number of drugs in her system." after the doctor said those very words Anabelle ran into Kat's room.

Anabelle P.O.V

I saw the love of my life sitting in a hospital bed with cuts going up to her arms and bruises all over her legs.

"hey." Kat said quietly. "Kat why?" I asked. "I'm so sorry!" she cried into my shoulder. "your mom beat you?" I guessed. "yes, and now I have to live with her, and leave you, Lou, Haz, Nialler, Li-Li and Zaynie and my dad." she said. "I wouldn't let you go." I told her.

Harry P.O.V

well, Ana was in Kat's hospital room I was talking to her dad.

"who would do this to my little girl?" Kat's dad asked. " I know who it did." I say then I have five sets of eyes on me. "who babe?" Louis asked. "Kat's mom." I state. "speak of the bitch." Kat's dad said. "how is my baby?" Kat's mother pretended to care. "I am taking you to court for MY baby girl." Kat's dad stated. "why would you do that?" her mother asked.

right before anyone could say a thing a nurse ran into Kat's room while Ana was being pushed out of the room; covered in blood. Ana broke down crying, looking at the blood on her hands.

Anabelle P.O.V

I was sitting there; Kat was telling me everything that happened after she got suspended.

"my mom drove me home saying I was a worthless faggot of a daughter. saying she hated me ever since I came out. so, when we got into the house, she smacked me so hard her nails cut into my skin; that's why I have these cuts on my face. then she punched me twice, once in the eye; hence the black eye. then the next in the lip; hence my busted lip." she said.

then started to sob and sob hard, after a while she stopped, she then said that she didn't feel well. I still sat there rubbing her back then she coughed up blood. before, I knew what happened I was being pushed out of Kat's room covered in blood. after I stopped crying, I wanted her mother to pay.

"I will fucking kill you next time you put a hand on my fucking girlfriend!" I yelled and everyone was shocked at my outburst when a doctor walked over to us, she said, "Kathleen, is asking to speak to  Ana, Lou, and Haz." then the doctor walked away.

Louis P.O.V

we all walked into her room and Kat was crying. Ana was the first by her side.

"Kat, how are you?" I asked holding Haz around his waist. "better not that I get to see my favorite gay couple." Kat said winking at, me. son in return+ I turned bright pink. "what do you need Kat?" Ana asked. "I need to tell them, Ana." Kat stated.

Kathleen P.O.V

"Okay, go ahead love." Ana said after I told her I need to tell them. "I'm moving with my witch of a mother." I say. "no!" Ana whispered into my ear; "you dad's taking her back to court." "I want to go, Ana, let me fly please. this is the hardest thing to do when you have such an amazing group of friends and an even more amazing girlfriend." I say with a smirk on my face. "you heard that?" Anabelle asked turning bright pink. "yes, yes I did hear that sweets." I say kissing her lips. "now I can't let you go." Ana said starting to sob in my arms. "can you get my dad?" I asked them when Ana stopped crying.

they walked out and a few seconds later my dad's by my side.

"Princess?" he asked, "why do you want to go with your mom?" "Daddy I want you to marry her, marry Anna, and be happy... I know you love her after all those dates, especially after the first do you say her, the day you were picking me up from Hazza's house. daddy, you want me happy?" I asked to which he nodded his head 'yes'. "well this will make me happy, knowing I'll have a great family when I need it. daddy marry her then fight for me because I want you happy. " I say. "I love you baby; I can't do that. I would give up my own life before I would lie you put yourself in danger." my daddy said, I kissed him on the cheek. "let me save you." I whispered his last words that were said before he left to go to a military base, somewhere far away from me. "just stay safe for me." he repeated the words I last spoke to him that very day. "I love you, daddy." I said as I hugged him close to me, "I'm going to miss this." I state. "aww... " Anabelle said walking in. "sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are over and they want us out." "I'll come to see you tomorrow princess." my dad said then kissed my head; walked out leaving Ana and myself; alone. "I'll be here bright and early we need to talk." she says, kisses me on the head then leaves.

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