Five Tests

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So this was the feeling of receiving worship!

The voices of thirty thousand soldiers echoed through the valley and lingered for a long time.

Even for Feng Yu Heng, when facing this sort of situation, she could not help but feel her blood boil as well. Wrapping her small hand around Xuan Tian Ming's large hands, her grasp became tighter and tighter.

When Xuan Tian Ming also held her hand, a spiritual force was endlessly transmitted to her, finally allowing Feng Yu Heng to gradually calm down.

Only after the last shout dispersed, did she recover mentally. She quickly went forward and helped Qian Li stand up before raising her voice and saying to the thirty thousand soldiers: "Comrades! Please rise!" In an instant, she felt as though she had returned to the military in the 21st century. Calling out to her comrades, they could rely on one another to protect their lives.

Seeing that all of the soldiers had stood up, she continued: "There is no need for you to thank me. To the public, you are brave warriors who protect their families and their country, you also protect the citizens of Da Shun. Privately, you are his Highness Prince Yu's subordinates, and he is to be my future husband. And to me, I am a doctor, so treating illnesses and saving lives is something I should do."

Feng Yu Heng was still young, and her body's foundation was poor. Shouting so forcefully nearly caused her to tear her vocal cords.

There was nothing she could do, but there was still a great number of things that she wanted to say. But if she continued to shout like this, she could not handle it. To thirty thousand people, even if she tore her vocal cords, the people in the back would not be able to hear her at all.

She looked around and noticed a small bag of dirt to her right that was roughly one meter tall. Not long later, she gave Xuan Tian Ming a look telling him to not be impatient, as she walked towards the bag of dirt.

While walking over, she placed her right hand on her left wrist and searched around in her space. Not long later, she found a megaphone in the lowest drawer of her counter.

This thing was purchased the day she opened up her pharmacy to spread the word, but it was only used that one time. After that, it was never brought out again. She had always been a proponent of letting her medicine do the talking, as the special medicines she took from the military allowed the pharmacy to steadily grow.

She never thought that the megaphone would see use after she came to the ancient world.

She stood on the little bag of dirt then turned around. Everyone saw that she was holding an odd thing in her hands.

Feng Yu Heng brought the megaphone to her mouth and suddenly said: "My fellow comrades."

These three words caused the thirty thousand soldiers to tremble from shock. They were unable to understand why county princess Ji An's voice suddenly became so loud. It was like the rumored internal energy of a legendary martial artist. Their voice, even if spoken like a whisper, would allow everyone to clearly hear it.

In reality, Feng Yu Heng was also given a fright. She never thought that the volume of the megaphone would be so high, and it was many times louder than she expected.

Turning her gaze to the thing in her hands, she saw a few large characters on the handle of the megaphone, ultra loud.

Very well! Megaphone, you win.

But this was also fine. No matter what was said, this was still thirty thousand people. If it were not on ultra loud, the people in the back still would not be able to hear her.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now