Damn Girl, If I Don't Handle You Today, My Surname Is Not Xuan

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Xuan Tian Ming felt that this was a very good idea. Pulling Feng Yu Heng's small hands, he said: "Alright, it's not like we haven't slept together before."

Feng Yu Heng looked at him sideways: "Was I not going to take a bath first?"

"That's also fine, it's not like... wouldn't just bathing together once be considered as having bathed!"

"Indecent!" She fiercely glared at Xuan Tian Ming then let go of the wheelchair. Walking into the bedroom, she said: "Find his Highness another room that is a little further away from this county princess."

Xuan Tian Ming protested: "This is no good!"

"This is very good!" Since she had entered the room, she immediately slammed the door closed.

The palace maid outside reached out to Xuan Tian Ming: "How about your Highness chooses another room." She could only help to this degree.

Xuan Tian Ming, however, had his own ideas: "County princess Ji An has always been shy. With an outsider here, she would definitely be embarrassed. You should leave first. In a while, she will open the door for this prince."

The palace maid left with a doubtful expression. Xuan Tian Ming sat facing the door to the room with a gloomy expression.

Should he enter?

What would be the outcome of him entering?

If that girl became unhappy, would she attack?

He slapped himself. Why was he thinking and fussing so much? That girl dared to climb into his bed in the middle of the night. How could it be that he, a grown man, did not dare to even enter a room in the middle of the day?

As a person, he could not be too cowardly!

He moved his wheelchair and arrived in front of the door. Reaching out, he pushed the door open.

See, that girl did not even close the door. This meant that she was waiting for him! Sure enough, a man who was too virtuous would be looked down upon by women.

Thinking like this, Xuan Tian Ming entered the room on his wheelchair. With another turn of the hand, he closed the door behind him.

He felt that this room was covered in a layer of mist. Thinking about it, the servants must have prepared the bath earlier. The heat of the water caused the room to become filled with steam.

He looked toward the source of the steam and saw that there was a thin figure taking their clothes off behind a screen. There was already an outer coat hanging on the screen.

Xuan Tian Ming's lips curled into an evil smile. He thought to himself that this girl was too small and could not be eaten, but teasing her was still quite fun.

He moved his wheelchair in that direction, and the steam had become thicker. When he arrived in front of the screen, he could still smell a faint scent of flower petals in the steam. He began moving more quietly and moved around the screen. He wanted to give the girl a sudden shock. Preparing his scary face, he moved very quickly and left his wheelchair, diving straight for the figure.

But he absolutely could never have imagined it! He found that the figure that he had clearly seen behind the screen had disappeared. He had leapt up and rushed over. At first, he had planned to scoop her up to sit back down in the wheelchair. Who knew that he would come up empty. The arms that had reached out only reached around but did not catch anything.

Xuan Tian Ming was dazed. Where had she gone?

In the time that he was shocked, he was a little slow to recover. With the room being covered in steam and the floor being slippery, the wheelchair had slid back a bit.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now