Her Judgement Approaches

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With Yi Lin saying that she would confess everything, Feng Chen Yu immediately became dizzy. Xing'er supported her from the side but immediately realized that Chen Yu's entire body was shaking.

Who knows where this girl found the courage, as she gritted her teeth and suddenly pulled a hair clasp from Chen Yu's hair then rushed towards Yi Lin!

Yi Lin was a few steps away. When Xing'er rushed over, she sensed something was off. Suddenly seeing the sharp hair clasp, she immediately understood what Xing'er was trying to do.

Kill the witness to erase all evidence. This girl had truly learned quite quickly!

She just wanted to dodge. Xing'er was younger and shorter, and even though her attack was sudden, it was not something that was hard to dodge. Yi Lin quickly stood up and wanted to run a couple steps, but just as she stood up, she suddenly felt something hit her in the calf. This happened quickly and unexpectedly, giving her no time to protect herself, as she dropped to the ground.

At the same time, Xing'er had already arrived with the hair clasp. With a shrill scream from everyone in the Feng manor, the hair clasp was fiercely stabbed into her neck. It did not miss, as it struck right in the middle of the throat. Xing'er had also put in 120 percent effort, so the hair clasp was stabbed deep into her throat, and Yi Lin lost her life.

Everyone in the Feng family inhaled sharply. Nobody had expected that a small girl would actually be so cruel. They could not help but take a couple extra looks at Xing'er.

This was also the first time Xing'er killed someone. The earlier situation was critical, so she did not think too much. She only thought that she could not allow Yi Lin to compromise Chen Yu. She was Chen Yu's servant. If something happened to her master, her future as a servant was most grim. Only by shutting Yi Lin's mouth could she allow Feng Chen Yu to survive steadily.

But now that she had killed her, she was also dazed. Letting go, she dropped to the ground, as she watched Yi Lin stare back at her wide-eyed and slowly dying. The blood from her neck seeped into the snow on the ground, and very quickly, it covered a large patch.

"That's a servant that protects her master." Just as everyone was stunned, Feng Yu Heng suddenly spoke; however, she said to Xing'er: "Get up. Look, the blood has already dyed your clothes red. Have your master make you a new set at a later time. A servant that protects her master like you, eldest sister must be sure to properly reward you."

Only then did Feng Chen Yu react. Xing'er had killed Yi Lin and sealed the information that Yi Lin was about to reveal. Yi Lin was the only piece of evidence for the death of Pei'er, but now, she was already completely taken care of.

Her heart was filled with joy, but she still looked at Feng Jin Yuan with tears in her eyes, as her face was filled with grief: "It's all daughter's fault for not being strict with my servants. I always thought that conflicts between servants were simply something between them. Yi Lin had been at daughter's side for many years, so daughter believed that I knew what should and should not be done. But I never thought that her hatred for Pei'er would be so great. Can father forgive daughter? Daughter truly knows her mistakes." She spoke while crying, sparing no expense for the countless tears that fell.

Feng Jin Yuan was not an idiot. This was clearly killing to get rid of witnesses, and how could he not see that. But now that she was already dead, it was a bit difficult to continue pressing Chen Yu in such a situation. When he then recalled the barrel of ginger from the Chen family, his mind began to change once more: "Forget it. It's just a couple servants. If they died, they died."

Chen Yu finally let out a sigh of relief; however, Feng Fen Dai was completely dazed. She was still waiting for Yi Lin to reveal Chen Yu's true face, but she never thought that this would be the end result. She turned her cold gaze to Xing'er and took a few steps forward. Raising her hand, she was about to slap her, but she heard the matriarch suddenly say: "A young miss personally hitting a servant. You don't seem to be worried about losing your standing."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now