Are You the Reinforcements Sent by the Monkey

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Upon hearing Fen Dai's order, Pei'er was startled, "Where does fourth young miss want to go? Out of the manor?"

Fen Dai nodded, "Correct."

"But..." The servant was a bit troubled, "If you want to go out, you must first say something to elder madam."

Fen Dai's face revealed some irritation, "Could I still go out if I told her?"

"But if you don't tell her, you definitely will not be allowed to go!"

The servant's words were like throwing cold water on Fen Dai. Although Da Shun was very lenient about letting girls go out, as someone of the younger generation, if she wanted to go out, she had to receive permission from the head wife or an elder. Also, there had to be a valid reason for leaving the manor. For example, going to manage a shop or going out with other young misses. If no proper reason could be provided, it was impossible to leave the manor.

Fen Dai knew that if she wanted to leave the manor, she definitely could not tell the matriarch about it. Adding on how Han shi did not have any shops to manage, she could not even find a proper reason. For a while, she stood in place and fuming with anger.

"How about... we sneak out?" Pei'er suggested: "The past few days, the performance troupe has not performed. Thinking about it, they should be sent out of the manor. If young miss absolutely must leave the manor, that might be a possible route." Pei'er had always been Feng Fen Dai's most useful servant. She was very spirited, especially hearing that her young miss had another evil idea, she became even more delighted.

Hearing her say this, Fen Dai felt this was a good idea and immediately headed in the direction of the guest courtyard where the performance troupe was living.

Pei'er quickly followed behind her and reminded her from time to time: "Young miss absolutely must be careful. After all, the people guarding the entrance all recognize you."

"Don't worry." Fen Dai walked very quickly. It was approaching noon, and she feared that Feng Yu Heng would step out of the house early. Once his Highness the seventh prince was let out, she would no longer be able to continue with her play. "You certain his Highness has not left?" She was worried and asked Pei'er once more.

Pei'er nodded, saying: "This servant is certain. These past few days, I have sent people to keep an eye on Tong Sheng pavilion. No matter of whether it was the Liu courtyard or through the main entrance, there are people keeping watching. His Highness has indeed not come out."

"Based on this, the two have been in the manor for at least three days." Fen Dai became more and more excited, "Even if there was nothing major, if word of this spread, it would be rather difficult for her. So what if she is the county princess? If her reputation is ruined, the Feng family definitely would not let her off easily, not to mention how much she would already be suffering!"

The two arrived at the guest courtyard, and the performance troupe lived in the yard the furthest in. Because the matriarch had become furious a few days prior, Han shi only enjoyed it for one day before she stopped daring to go against her. After all, An shi and Jin Zhen no longer went, and the matriarch never appeared, so it would be unreasonable for her to sit alone in the flower-viewing garden watching the play.

But the troupe still had not left, and they continued to live in the courtyard.

When Fen Dai arrived, there were a few young child trainees who stood together discussing something. Pei'er cleared her throat upon entering the courtyard, and the children immediately dispersed upon seeing people had arrived. They then began training once more.

Fen Dai glanced at them and did not say anything, instead heading straight for the main room. At the door, however, she was stopped by a young maidservant "How come fourth young miss has come?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now