Will Your Dad Fight You With All of his Might?

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When the two arrived at Yu Lan courtyard, Han shi had already begun to whine. While whining, she shouted: "I am pregnant with the Feng family's child! You cannot do this to me! I must have the elder madam come and support me!"

Fen Dai also said: "When father returns, I will need to tell father. You are definitely doing this deliberately. You want to kill the child in concubine mother's belly."

Kang Yi's voice was immediately heard: "Younger sister is mistaken. I am truly doing this for your own good! This is how our Qian Zhou has been managing pregnancies. If you do as I say, I can guarantee that you will give birth to a healthy child!"

"Are you cursing concubine mother?" Fen Dai began shrieking, "If we do not do as you say, will the child not be healthy?"

"This..." Kang Yi was helpless, "This really is the best method. I trust you can go and invite a doctor to ask."

"What is there to ask! Da Shun has done this for generations the previous way. You can go out and ask. Which family didn't handle a pregnancy in this manner? And they were all healthy. The charcoal has been taken from the room, yet what month is it? Are you trying to freeze concubine mother to death?"

Kang Yi had been exasperated by the two and could only say: "Mother-in-law wanted me to personally come and take care of younger sister's pregnancy. I will definitely do my best. This is indeed the method that our Qian Zhou has used to handle pregnancies. If younger sister does not believe it, we can wait for husband to return. He can send someone to Qian Zhou and ask. Even if this matter makes its way to mother-in-law, I will stand on the side of reason."

While she spoke, Feng Yu Heng entered the room. When Kang Yi saw her, it was as though she had seen her savior. Quickly walking over, she said to her: "A-Heng, quickly come and give us an impartial judgment. Elder madam wanted me to take care of younger sister Han's pregnancy, and I have done my best; however, Fen Dai and younger sister Han refuse to accept it. I am truly unable to explain it properly. You are a doctor. Say, am I right or wrong for removing the charcoal, having her eat fruit peels and removing the new furniture that has a strong smell?"

Feng Yu Heng glanced at Kang Yi then looked at the plate of already peeled apple peels and the room full of old furniture. She really wanted to laugh.

Based on what she thought, if Han shi was able to calm down and do as Kang Yi said to raise her fetus, she really would be able to give birth to a healthier child. In this era, there were no chemical fertilizers nor industrial pollution. Eating the fruit peels would indeed be of much higher nutritional value than eating the fruit itself. Unfortunately, Han shi could not possibly understand this logic, and even more unfortunate, she could not help speak up for Kang Yi.

Seeing Kang Yi's expectant gaze, Feng Yu Heng suddenly revealed a smile then grabbed her hand and put on an understanding expression and said: "A-Heng knows that mother is also troubled. After all, for the sake of welcoming mother into the manor, father indeed went behind grandmother's back and used up all of the communal funds. Now, the courtyards of the manor can only rely on their own income for their expenses. Thinking about it, mother also wants to properly handle concubine mother's pregnancy, but there is truly not enough money. It's fine. Grandmother already spoke. Concubine mother Han's expenses can be taken from her side first. If that's truly not enough, A-Heng can also provide a bit. Anyone can be made to suffer, but nothing must happen to the Feng family's child! That's why mother wanting to save money for the manor is something that can be understood. Please pardon concubine mother Han!"

Feng Yu Heng's words truly caused Kang Yi to be shocked. She could hardly believe the girl with a deeply concerned expression. No matter what, she did not believe that Feng Yu Heng would be able to say this sort of thing. Kang Yi was puzzled: "A-Heng, you are very skilled in medicine. It should not be the case that you do not understand this bit of reason!"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now