Why Must This Prince's Wife Pay With her Life for Someone Else?

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Just after he fell into the water, Xuan Tian Ming immediately moved his wheelchair and flew toward the middle of the river. Grabbing hold of the unsteady and falling Feng Yu Heng, he placed her on his lap.

The little girl blinked at him a few times, and Xuan Tian Ming held her even tighter. Hugging her, they landed back on the ground.

The river was flowing fast, and the dwarf immediately fell silent upon landing in the water. In fact, there wasn't even much of a splash, as he was swallowed up by the waves.

Yao shi was completely dazed. Was... was this a murder?

Qing Lan could see that there was something off about Yao shi's expression and quickly said to her in a quiet voice: "Madam, young miss almost fell into the water too."

But Yao shi did not have time to worry about such things. She only focused on Feng Yu heng committing murder. Her mind was filled with images of Feng Yu Heng throwing that child into the water. She began to feel afraid. In the end, a child that she had just met could not compare to her own daughter. Although she suspected something about this daughter, they were still just suspicions. Now that something had happened, her maternal instincts were awoken once again. She rushed forward to kneel before Xuan Tian Ming; however, Wang Chuan was quick to react and stopped her, "Madam, what are you doing?"

Yao shi begged Xuan Tian Ming: "Just treat that child as though I killed it, is that okay? Do not arrest A-Heng. I know that one must pay with their life for committing murder, so just let me pay my life for this! A-Heng is still young. She cannot die because of a child!"

These words caused Feng Yu Heng to feel a bit shocked, and she felt a little bit moved. Previously, Yao shi had expressed that there was a divide between the two. In the face of danger, it was completely erased.

She suddenly understood that Yao shi indeed had considerations because she was unlike her original daughter, and these considerations were not formed in just a day or two. A mother knew her daughter best. She believed that Yao shi already began to have doubts on the road back to the capital from Xi Ping Village. She just chose to go with the flow.

Although she went with the flow, there was still a knot in her heart. After the incident with spirit-altering drug, with something that could amplify her inner thoughts countless times, even if she did get over her addiction, those inner thoughts would not go away as they had in the past.

That was why Yao shi argued with her and also why she wanted to accompany Zi Rui in Xiao Zhou.

Fortunately, Yao shi was still kind. When she realized that Feng Yu Heng was in danger, she was immediately able to put her life on the line for the sake of her daughter's life. Of course, it was this kindness that caused Feng Yu Heng to view her as more motherly.

Xuan Tian Ming let go of Feng Yu Heng and said to Yao shi with a serious expression: "Madam has been overanxious. If this prince had the intention of having her pay with her life, I would not have saved her. Moreover, why must this prince's wife pay with her life for someone else?"

Yao shi rejoiced, "Your Highness means that A-Heng will not need to be punished for murdering someone? Thank you, your Highness. Thank you, your Highness." Saying this, she kneeled once more.

Feng Yu Heng went forward to hold her up and very helplessly said: "Mother, there are some things that I do not tell you because knowing is too dangerous, and I am worried of scaring you. It's a barren mountain in the wilderness. Where would a child come from? That path is an official road. Although there is a small stretch with a cliff, criminals would not act so blatantly and hang someone from the cliff. There is a trick involved."

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