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Written by: lashtongiggles

It was inevitable. It was as if the universe had specifically appointed the two lost souls to find one another in the depths of a unfrequented coffee shop at a lonely time of night. Ashton just wanted to explore that night, try some other coffee shop he had yet to fall upon. He found one, and walked through the door of one of the only coffee shops that was open twenty four hours. That coffee shop being known as Breathe Me by all of the townsfolk. Not a soul in town had not taken the large store on the corner of Arapahoe and Washington into mind. Everyone saw the large fake mug on the top of the shop and the vintage lettering on the window was detected by all of the passerbys. The colors were what caught his attention the most about this shop. The maroon red under the gold lettering was chipping and very unkept, and the lettering was close to the same, both revealing an ugly color-of-the-moss-in-Ashton's-turtle-tank green underneath.

The bell chimes as he walks in, the outside rim of the bell making a loud thunking against the thick glass of the door. The first thing he notices is the extravagant display of the solar system displayed upon the ceiling that, unlike the outside, is neatly done and looks to be brand new. Ashton is awestruck at the beauty and and detail of everything that is included in the artwork, the use of color in the work around the galaxy in the far corner to the left of register and desk.

"Welcome to Breathe Me." someone greets from behind the desk. Ashton sees a girl with dark auburn hair that's split to the left, one eye standing out as a different from the other as she runs her hand through her long hair, making it come around and cascade over her face once again. "My name is Sarah, how may I help you?" She asks, her voice is almost similar to Winnie the Pooh's, accept higher pitched and not as nasily as the chunky yellow bear, not that Ashton would know what Winnie the Pooh sounds like.

"Can I have your largest cup if black coffee and an application?" he asks smoothly, his Australian accent contrasting her American one greatly. The girl smiles and nods, immediately preparing Ashton's order and setting a packet of about three or four papers on the counter in front if the Australian boy. He blatantly looks behind the counter to see all of its appliances and he shakes his head in approval.

"Do you have a pen?" he questions, his eyes grazing over the whole area in front of him in search until Sarah hands him a pin from her apron.

"There ya go, doll." she smiles and nervelessly checks out the older boy with just a motility of her eyes. The Aussie doesn't take notice to this finical movement, his view too engrossed in the sheets of paper.

"Thanks," he avers, bringing the documents to a table a few feet away from the counter. His pen glides easily across the papers, filling out the essential blanks with what he believed were the correct responses. Sarah bring out the coffee to the attractive male and sets it in front of him before walking away with a sway in her hips. Ashton veers away from his coffee until he completed the whole packet and handed it back to the female employee.

"I'll be sure and hand it to the boss.. can I have your phone number so I can uh, tell you if you got the job?" She inquired, her eyelashes fluttering softly. Ashton chuckles, exposing his insanely deep dimples on his perfectly sculpted cheeks and nods.

"Sure." He scribbles down digits on a napkin and slides it over the counter top in Sarah's direction. "Don't be afraid to text me about anything else, I'm sure we could be great friends." He ambles back to his cushioned chair with the moon on the seat and plugs in his earbuds and listens to the first song that blares through his earbuds while he sips at his coffee, all alone in this galaxy coffee shop.

Guess it's true I'm not good at a one night stand.

The door jingles again, going unnoticed by the Aussie boy due to his too loud music. His thumb glides across the screen of his mobile, most likely scrolling through his dead twitter feed, or perhaps an Instagram, the other boy has no clue, but he does know that he is goddamn attractive.

Oh won't you stay with me,

Once Ashton made eye contact with that boy, a shiver took over his body. His blue eyes looked like they were just piercing his soul, while in reality they were checking him out. Those piercing blue eyes that he doesn't even know yet, just stare at the shorter boy's body. Taking in ever single feature, every curve, every freckle, just everything. Luke's eyes detach from his mind and suddenly he's walking right into the counter. His whole face heats up a bright red as Ashton chuckles, finally averting his eyes from the attractive boy as Luke tried to recompose himself from his 'cool' status mishap. Even Sarah from behind the counter chuckles, having taken part of noticing the whole thing.

Cause you're all I need

"What can I get for you today?" she asks as nicely as she did Ashton, wondering how on earth so many cute guys wandered upon her little shop.

"Small black coffee." he smiles, his one dimple prominent a closed lip smile. Sarah starts working right away as Luke took a seat by the galaxy, the sun on the cushion of his chair. He sat facing Ashton, the gap between the coffee grinder and a support pole gives him the perfect view of the smaller lad drinking his extra large cup of coffee while listening to some type of music that Luke is sure he's heard before judging by the beat coming from his ear buds.

Luke's mind wanders, it just thinks about that dirty blonde boy on the other side of the shop and just why exactly he decided to sit on the completely other side of the store from him. But, he thinks, he can't move closer to him once he's sat down because that would strike as odd wouldn't it? So Luke admires from afar. He notices how often the boy stares at his phone and smiles, who could he possibly be talking to that is just so goddamn funny? Sarah brings the coffee and sets it in front of Luke then, following his gaze she smirks.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" she takes the seat across from the blonde and rests her elbows upon the table in an interested manner. "I talked to him, it's not too hard." she assures, resting her hand upon his in which his fingers were tangled together as his mind continued to wander, his thoughts barely making aware that Sarah was sat in front of him.

"That's because it's your job." he whispers loud enough for her to hear.

"So? I'm hyped up on coffee fumes all day, this isn't really how I act. I'm such a dope, I probably wouldn't even be talking to you right now if I wasn't. I can barely talk to myself in the mirror. Go talk to him Luke." she says and Luke immediately snaps his head in her direction with a shocked and slightly horrified look upon his features. "Uh, you told me your name when you ordered so I could give you your coffee." she shifts in her seat awkwardly. Luke almost feels bad for her, since he probably made Sarah feel like a complete freak.

"Oh, but still, I don't even know his name, or your name and I have no idea what I would even speak to him about." Luke argues, his eyes begging Sarah for help but she is clueless on what to do. Then the unthinkable happens and the bell on the door rings and Ashton is out the door.

"Look, first of all, my name is Sarah, and his name is Ashton and he applied for a job here. I will make sure he gets it and here give me your number and I'll tell you when he works so you can come in. Then he'll have to talk to you." She smiles and Luke nods eagerly, his eye immediately brightening at the thought of being able to see the dirty blond again.

"Thank you so much!" Luke gratefully puts his number in the American's mobile and hands it back to her. Sarah smiles, two new hot guy friends, score, and they're gay, double score.


Hi I am not sure how this is going to go but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Alsoooooooo if you don't know, this is a collab with CliffordCondoms so you should check her stories out too bc they rock.

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