T w e n t y F i v e

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written by: lashtongiggles

Luke takes a shaky inhale and runs his fingers through his distraught hair as he tries to stop himself from crying.

"If I hadn't been so careless.." he mumbles to himself, wiping away the access tears from his cheeks and looking up at his uncharacteristically pale friend. Doctors say he's showing symptoms of falling into an alcohol induced coma which in most cases leads to death, but Luke refuses to let that happen. "Please, Calum. Be strong for us. I don't think you realize how many people you are leaving behind that love you so much." he mumbles, grabbing Calum's cold hand and trying to warm it up between his own. "I wish I wasn't so careless." Luke whispers, blinking away the reforming tears.
He almost jumps when he hears the door creak open and Ashton is standing in his presence.
"Hey, Lukey." he mumbles, sitting down next to the blond, clasping his hands together in front of him. "How're you holding up?" he asks softly, his eyes filled with concern for the younger boy.

"I'm fine." he whispers, his eyes floating towards the tan boy who lay motionless in the bed. "I just-" he chokes on his words, his throat becoming sore from his sobs. "I can't let him go knowing that if I had just answered my phone-"

"Luke, it's not your fault. There's no way you could have known he was going to do this." he wraps an arm loosely around the blond's slim waist and pulling him onto his lap. It was awkward, the boy with long limbs desperately clinging to someone smaller but neither of them minded.

"I can't help but think it's my fault." he whispers into Ashton's neck as his tears drip on the surface of the older boy's skin.

"I know." Ashton responds, rubbing soft circles on his back. They sit like that for a while until Luke calms himself down. "Come on. Let's go get your mind off of things and Michael can spend some time with him alone." Ashton suggests. It goes through his mind a couple times that Calum could wake up while they were gone and he almost argues, but eventually he agrees to leave.

"Okay." he mumbles, climbing to his weak legs and wiping his face with the palms of his hands. Ashton takes Luke's hand in his and leads him out of the small room, down the hall, and out to his car. It's the first time they've been outside since he's been in the hospital, which was only about three days, and it's also the first time it hasn't been raining.

Ashton starts the car and drives down a lonely road where only fields grew on either side. He drives, both of then seemingly engulfed in peace as their thoughts of Calum stayed at the hospital.

"C'mon." Ashton says softly, a smile on his lips as he exits the vehicle with Luke following close behind. They meet at the front of the car where Ashton rejoins their hands and leads Luke through the trees and into a small clearing where dozens of small, purple flowers grew.

Ashton smiles when he sees Luke's reaction and pulls him near the center in which they both sat. Luke laid comfortably on Ashton, his upper back in his lap while his head was more near Ashton's stomach. They bask in the silence and each other's presence as Ashton plucks the minuscule flowers, barely as big as his finger tips, and delicately places them in the blond hair.

"How did you find this place?" Luke asks softly, playing with the thin stem of a flower.

"My mum would take me here when I was little." he says gently, his voice barely rising above a whisper as Luke looks up to make eye contact. "Her and my dad would fight and she'd pack up a lunch and take me here for a picnic." blue met hazel with a gentle but electrifying spark, and soon enough two pairs of lips met and the sparks intensified.

Their lips move faster and more in sink as they start to crave each other. They seem to be getting drunk on each other's lips, as they can't get enough of each other, the way the other tastes and feels and smells.

"You make me feel so wanted." Ashton mumbles against the younger boy's lips. They turn so Luke is laying on his back, Ashton hovering over him as they share soft, loving kisses. Soft groans and moans of gentle pleasure were shared between the two and finally, finally Luke smiled again.

I love you

He wants to shout it out so bad, but he's afraid. Afraid of what he'll think, f it's too early, if he wants something else.

"Ashton." Luke giggles as his fingers run down his sides, squeezing and tickling them.

"What?" he pulls away and cocks his head to the side in fake confusion. "Are you, ticklish?" he whispers in the blond's ear.

"N-o!" he squeaks as Ashton's fingers assault his sides making Luke erupt in laughter. "St-top! Ashton!" he laughs, venti ally shoving the older boy off until they start rolling around in the flowers, laughing with and at one another with quick kisses in between.

Their fun is soon interrupted by the sound of Luke's mobile in his jean pocket. He pulls it out and quickly answers it after seeing it was Michael.

"What's up?" he asks, pressing a finger to his lips to silence the older boy.

"They think Calum is going to wake up soon." he says, the excitement evident in his voice. "You should probably get back here." he says softly and Luke nods, almost forgetting that he was on the phone.

"We're on our way." he says into the phone and hangs up. "C'mon, Ash. Let's go." he smiles and gets to his feet, offering a hand to Ashton who takes it, but instead of getting up he pulls Luke down again onto his lap. They laugh and share many more kisses again before Luke finally convinces Ashton to go.

As they drive back, the thoughts of Calum return to the two boys.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Luke asks softly, a small flower falling from his hair and landing on the center compartment.

"Of course he will. He's Calum. He has to be."

a/n: so I dont mean to make it seem like they forgot about Calum but they were trying to get a way for a while ummmmm
*self promotion*
could you read my new story fool it's Muke with deaf (good thing I actually edited this bc it said dead michael whOOPS) michael so yeah
also could someone make a trailer for this (breathe me)? that would be hella rad


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