T w ę n t y e i g h t

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Written by: cliffordcondoms
A.k.a laziest fuck in the world

"But he's okay, right?" Luke tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up, the covers only hiding his lap. "--okay. Yeah. That's fine. Thanks for calling, Mike. I'll go see him tomorrow morning, okay? Cool--goodnight."

Luke hung up with a sigh and laid back down facing Ashton. The latter lad smiled in content when he felt his lover's presence and wrapped his arm around him to pull him closer, making Luke grunt. "Who was it, love?"

"Michael." Luke yawned. "Calum threw up so he asked if I could bring him an extra pair of underwear tomorrow. I was scared that something worse had happened."

"Ah," Ashton responded with a tired grin as he brought a sloppy kiss to Luke's jaw, making the blonde giggle with a groan as he wiped away the spit, making Ashton gasp. "Why are you rubbing off my love?"

"Because your love is messy and childish."

"My love isn't childish!" The oldest fought back with a pout and tightened his grip on Luke's waist. "How can I prove it?"

"Well," Luke bit his lip. "To start with, you can take me out to an appropriate date and claim me as yours."

Ashton's smile altered, which only made Luke instantly regret saying that. Last time he admited his feelings, he was rejected. What if Ashton didn't want a commitment, maybe Luke was just some type of friend he could call to get off easily.

"Y-Yeah sure. Where to?"

Luke shrugged. "Whatever you think will steal my heart."

"It shouldn't take much then should it?" Ashton smirked as he climbed ontop of Luke until his face was buried onto the taller boy's neck, peppering it with wet kisses and an occasional bite. "I've got you wrapped around my finger."

"Ash," The blonde moaned, his eyes closed as he wrapped his legs around Ashton's waist and gripped onto his shoulders to keep him in place. "It's 3 in the morning, don't fucking tease me when we're talking about romance."

"Oh but this is romantic." Ashton smirked with a roll of his hips. "Making love is romantic."

Luke chuckled, "How do I know this isn't going to be a one night stand?"

"Because men don't take their one night stands to the fancy restaurant across the street from Breathe Me unless they want commitment."

Luke considered Ashton's proposal and smirked. "Jesus wouldn't approve Mr. Irwin. He's always watching."

"And is that going to stop you?"

"Probably not."

"Then you have nothing to lose, princess...well, besides your virginity."

"Oh my God," Luke blushed in embarrassment and brought his hands to cover his face in shame. "You did not just say that. Fuck, I'm so turned off. Get off of me!"

"Babe," The oldest whined with a giggle and rolled off. "That isn't fair!"

"You play with fire and you get burned." The blonde smirks. "But on a serious note, I was wondering if maybe Calum and Mikey could join us..."

Didn't Luke just say he wanted a date with only Ashton? Why does he want to drag Calum and Michael along then? Not that Ashton had a problem with it or anything but he was really looking forward to that. So with a frown, he turned to Luke and pecked his cheek. "Of course, gorgeous. We can have our alone time some other time."

Luke smiled and laid his head on Ashton's chest, thankful that he understands that he wants to keep his friend closer to him than ever. He doesnt want the possibility of Calum leaving Luke again for a long time. "Thank you. I'm sorry if you didn't want this."

"Why wouldn't I?" Ashton scoffed. "Calum is alive and happy with you and Michael. I couldn't be any more happier to know that he's safe. I may not have known them as long as you but I consider them my friends. It's great that you want to celebrate."

"Yeah," Luke agreed. "But I couldn't help but notice how upset you sound about it."

Ashton pursed his lips into a thin line and rose a brow in a clever manner. "I just don't want to pay for the bill."

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't allow it." The blonde chuckled.

"Michael would," Ashton took Luke's hand in his and started rubbing small circles on his palm, relaxing Luke until his eyes closed. "Don't even deny it."

Luke only hummed in response before planting a kiss on Ashton's neck. "Yeah," he beamed. "You're probably right but hey, if he does, I'll pay on their behalf."

"Or," Ashton emphasized his words before continuing. "I can pay for everyone and you can repay me later in a way thats convenient for the both of us."

"Ugh," Luke groaned and detached himself from Ashton. "You're so hormonal. Don't expect any cuddles for the rest of the night-"


"Goodnight, Ashton."

The brunette only sighed and gave up as he pulled the blanket over his body. "Goodnight, sweetheart."



Finals are approaching so im sorry that this is shit

Im stressed and tired okokok I hate hs.

I wish it were like HSM bc boy toy named troy.

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