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Written by yo gurl: Cliffordcondoms

Ashton adjusted his messy curls under his beanie as he made his way to the coffee shop. He was running late with it being 7:45 already since he had missed the first bus thanks to his friends nagging about some boy. He even texted Sarah and she agreed that it was okay for him to be a little late but Ashton made his way towards the coffee shop fairly quickly anyway.

His eyes were glued to the pavement as he stuffed his cold hands onto the pockets of his jeans, ignoring how his breath would fog up his new glasses -the old one's previously broken when he fell asleep with them on.

Ashton reached for the handle of the old coffee shop before falling to the ground from the impact. He gasped when the light snow on the ground hit the back of his warm neck. "Woah," groaned in exasperation as he supported himself on his forearms. "Watch where you're-"

"Oh my God! I am so so so sorry I didn't see you there." The tall blonde from the other day rambled. Ashton was about to reply with a sassy 'I can tell' until he recognized the attractive bloke. "Which is kind of ironic since I'm wearing my glasses and I can see you do too--they look really nice by the way-- but you can't really use the excuse that you couldn't see me coming because of that so again I'm really-"

"Oi!" Ashton called out in a fit of giggles to stop the attractive male from talking. It didn't seem like he had any intentions of stopping anytime soon so Ashton found it necessary to end it; even though he did find it really cute of him to ramble incessantly. "It's okay, mate." He assured. "Nothings broken. Although my trousers are getting quite wet and cold as we speak."

Luke gulped loudly as he set his cup down on the ledge of the window to crouch down to Ashton's level. "Here let me help."

"No no," Ashton reassured. "I can do it myself."

"Please? It's the least I can do after I just knocked you over." Luke chuckled unhumorously and reached for Ashton's hand.

The latter lad gladly accepted it with a grin and was in the process of standing up until he put too much weight on one foot, causing both boys to slip on the small patch of ice by the door.

Luke gasped and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the hard impact but was surprised to find out he wasn't hurt at all and sighed of relief.

Ashton, on the other hand, laid on the ground in pain while Luke safely clung onto him. "I think I snapped my neck." Ashton commented. His eyes were still squeezed shut as large flakes of snow showered upon them in a blizzard.

"You would be dead." Luke added. He still laid on top of the brunette, unsure of what to do.

"Luke," Ashton breathed out. He opened an eye and was met with Luke's face just mere centimeters from his. "You're beautiful in this view and all..." He commented, a small blush evident on Luke's cheeks from Ashton's words. "But you're kneeing my balls."

Luke's eyes widen and turned to his knee which, indeed, was digging onto the smaller boy's groin. "I'm really giving you a shitty day, aren't I?"

Ashton shrugged and stared at Luke as he started to stand up from where he laid on him in amusement. Ashton didn't even notice how adorable Luke looked with glasses until now. He loved the way Luke would scrunch his nose up to lift the large frames a bit higher from where they hung low at the bridge of his nose. He even had the urge to press them up for him just to see that beautiful blush creep up on his milky colored cheeks.

"I've had worse." Ashton admitted in laughter. He grabbed the ledge of the window sill and used his strength to lift himself up but was surprised to see that Luke was a few inches taller than him-- causing him to gasp.

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