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Written by: Cliffordcondoms

Luke takes a sip of his warm coffee and sighs in content as the drink quickly heated up his cold body, his hands wrapped securely on the cup -warming his hands in the process. It was particularly cold outside at this time at night and he couldn't help but wonder why Ashton came in at this time. He must've been a visitor, Luke thought since he's never seen someone like him in the coffee shop. Luke's mostly only seen older couples but it was rare for him to see someone around his age around here besides the workers.

Luke finally decided it was time to head back home when he finished his coffee. He would usually wait a couple of minutes and spend the rest of his afternoon on his phone -taking advantage of the free wifi but today wasn't one of those days since he came in late. Before leaving the building, something caught Luke's eyes; It was the table the attractive bloke sat on just a few minutes ago.

A red bandana rested over his chair; he must've forgotten it. Luke walks over to the chair and rubs the cloth with his thumb and index finger. He doesn't remember the boy wearing it earlier but who else could it have belong to?

"Sarah." Luke called out, his eyes never leaving the red bandana on his palm. He memorized the detail and moved it around on his palm as Sarah quickly made her way towards the tall blonde.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern etched in her voice as she glances from Luke, and to the bandana on his hand. "Is that yours?" Sarah takes the bandana away from Luke and examines it just like Luke had done.

"No. I found it on Ashton's seat. Perhaps it belongs to him?" Luke says. His statement came out more like a question, which made Sarah nod in agreement.

"Do you want to give it him?" Sarah smiles and hands Luke the bandana. His eyes widen in shock at the thought of handing the boy his bandana. Luke doesn't think he's ready or capable of thinking straight if he sees Ashton smile at him since he'll probably focus on his insanely deep dimples rather than on the conversation they'd have.

"I- um. I don't think so." Luke chuckles nervously and drapes the bandana over Sarah's shoulder. Sarah gives him a look of disapproval before they both hear the familiar bell ring at the door. Both teens turn to the door and notice the boy they were just talking about walk into the cafe once more. He looks around and smiles when he finally spots Luke and Sarah on his previous seat.

"Hi, uh, I forgot something here." Ashton giggles nervously and scratched the back of his neck when his eyes met Luke's blue ones once again. He didn't expect the blonde to be this tall or attractive up close. And if Ashton's being honest, he'd admit that he feels a tad insecure around the boy.

Luke, on the other hand, bit his lip and stared at the boy with hazy eyes. He can't comprehend how someone so beautiful is standing in front of him. Luke's thoughts were interrupted by Sarah nudging his side and placing the bandana on Luke's chest. He takes it and nervously fumbles with the cloth. "Is this it?" He asked a bit louder than he intended to. Ashton glances up from the ground and nods happily.

"Yeah that's it. How silly of me leaving it here. Thanks mate, really." Ashton takes the bandana away from Luke and gasps when their fingers brushed. He really didn't mean to touch the tall boy; but now that he did, he couldn't help but blush and feel awkward around him.

"It was nothing, really. I just sort of found it and noticed it was yours. I was actually planning on holding onto it until I saw you again." Luke lied with a smile. He was actually planning on leaving it with Sarah but a little lie never hurt anyone. Luke pulled his hand back and caressed the skin that Ashton just touched. His heart was beating fast from such a simple touch that he feels that he might get a heart attack.

Ashton only nods awkwardly and waves at Sarah. "You'll call me when I get the job, right?"

"Of course!" Sarah nods with a large smile. "Be ready for the call. I'm sure you'll get the job now stop worrying about it." She gently shoved Ashton's shoulder in encouragement, which made him smile along with her.

Ashton bit his lip nervously, still unsure if he should believe his new American friend or not. "You think so?"

"I know so, honey." Sarah assures, her hand gestures making both Aussies chuckle at her actions.

"Thank you. I just came back for this so I better get going. Thanks again." Ashton smiles at both Sarah and Luke as he waves the bandana around in the air. He places it on his head and uses it as a headband, not bothering to adjust it or seeing how it turned out. He only gave them a cheeky thumbs up before running out of the cafe with a large smile on his face.

"Isn't he just dreamy." Sarah says in a mocking tone. She stands up on her tippy toes and turns to stare at Luke, who's watching as Ashton hops onto his ridiculous pushbike. Sarah bashes her lashes at a fast speed and pretends to swoon like Luke. "The dreamiest boy in town."

"Stop." Luke chuckles as he took his attention away from Ashton and onto Sarah, who continues to tease him incessantly. "I just think he's cute. That's all."

"Sure." Sarah sneers. She wets a rag and starts wiping off Ashton's table, her eyes never leaving Luke's sleepy ones. "You're tired aren't you?"

Luke nods and tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He fails miserably as his eyes continue to droop. "Just a bit. I better get going too. Calum will chew me out if I don't."

"Is he your brother?" Sarah asks curiously. She instantly regretted asking Luke when he took a bit longer than usual to answer. She knows she shouldn't be asking such personal questions hut she's used to being social with her costumers.

"No, he's my best mate. I moved in with him quite recently actually." Luke adds with a smile.

Sarah nods in acknowledgement and tosses the dirty rag into the soapy water she brought. It swished around and spilled a bit on Luke's shoe, making him squeal and shake his foot around -trying to get some of the water out of his soaking vans. "Oh God I'm sorry." Sarah sheepishly apologizes and drags the bucket away from Luke. It's took late to do that but she might as well prevent it from happening again. "You should bring him over with you next time. It'll be like, uh, a friend reunion."

Luke chuckles and rolls his eyes at Sarah's words. "Friend reunion?" Sarah shrugs happily as she starts walking away to put away the bucket of water.

"Yeah! It'll be you two, Ashton, and me. One big, happy family." She pipes up from behind the counter. Luke had a hard time listening to what she was saying but nevertheless, smiled at the idea.

"I don't think that's a smart idea." He states. Luke's already reaching for the door handle when Sarah pops back up from behind the counter with a frown.

"Why not?"

"Because he probably thinks I'm creepy already. I'll just stick to the staring." Luke opens the door and leans against the doorframe as he waits for Sarah's reply.

Her lips were pressed into a thin line as she thought of the correct thing to say at the moment. "Suit yourself." She shrugs and sends Luke a smile, waving at him. "But you better do something before it's too late and he loses interest."

"He was never interested!" Luke whines. He waves back at Sarah before leaving the warm cafe, a shiver crawling down his spine as the chilling winds hit his face. Luke wraps his arms around his body and shivers as he starts making his way towards his home.

A/n :

*grows insecure about my writing because Kaetlyn is very good and I'm poo*

I've never done anything like this so I hope you guys enjoy it ~( •_•~)

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