T w e n t y s ę v e n

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Written by: lashtongiggles
is it me or am I the only one who can't tell how many numbers there are if it's like 11111111111111 my head gets so confused like what ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY--->(sorry if I offend people)

All Calum could feel was the stiffness in his muscles and the soft pounding in his head as his doctor spoke to him. Therapy. Did he really need therapy? Therapy was for the crazies, and Calum was almost positive he wasn't crazy. Sure, he was a little, broken on the inside but in reality who wasn't? He releases a soft sigh, almost scared to fall into another coughing fit like earlier.

"--Breathing therapy--" the tan boy furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. He definently does not need breathing therapy, breathing is like a normal thing that everyone does. "Right, none of that." he mumbles, scribbling on his clipboard and nodding to himself. "You will need to attend therapy once a week with Dr. Murs." he finishes, filling out a prescription in his ugly hand writing and handing it over to the tan boy who only nods as it becomes in his possession.

"Thank you." he croaks softly, feeling his throat clogged with muck and grossness from lack of use. He closes his eyes in frustration for a few seconds before reopening them and looking at his doctor.

"We would like to keep you here a while longer to make sure everything is running smoothly." he mumbles almost to himself, still scribbling nonsense on his clipboard. The tan boy only nods, his eyes drifting towards the door as his wishes to be alone grow larger. "We will be checking up on you periodically, Mr. Hood. I'm glad you're awake." he clicks his pen and finally decides to leave. Michael walks in almost immediately after the doctor leaves, taking his usual spot next to Calum.

"You left me when I needed you most." Calum manages out, holding in a painful cough as their eyes meet.

"I'm sorry." he whispers, his eyes glazed over in pain and regret. "I--"

"Why?" he says, cutting Michael off without a care.

"I was scared, Calum. My--my father was the exact same way-- an alcoholic. I was so scared of being around him." Michael let's his eyes fall to the bandages that hid Calum's scarred skin, small blood splotches poking through on the pure white bandages. "Sometimes I can still hear the crack of his leather belt on skin and my mother's screams echoing through my head late at night when I can't sleep and it kills me, it kills me that you're the same way--in terms of drinking-- and I want to help you, Calum." he breathes, his hand coming up to take the tan boy's. "He scarred me, physically and mentally, I just-- please." he begs, his eyes large with hope and Calum has to restrain himself from taking a large sigh, once again afraid that he would start coughing all over again.

"I'll forgive you if--" by now Calum was trying to lighten the mood since he had forgiven Michael before all of this even happened. "You get me a sandwich from the cafeteria." he says with a soft smile on his lips. He watched the pale man go from gloomy to happy in less amount of time it would've taken to snap his fingers.

"Okay!" he chirps, pressing a peck to Calum's cool forehead before darting off downstairs. Calum smiles as the door falls closed with a soft click just to be reopened again revealing Luke.

"Hey, Cal. How're you feelin?" he asks, taking a seat where Michael previously was. He shrugs, not trusting his voice as his eyes trail the blond's movements. "Doc says you have to stay here for a couple days." he mumbles, his eyes glazing over, the darker boy notices tears begin to well up.

"It's not your fault." he whispers softly, his hand reaching out to grasp his friend's. "This was my doing." Luke's thumb brushes over the top of Calum's cold underoxinated hand.

"If I had been there, you wouldn't be here." he mumbles, finding it hard to make eye contact with his friend. His hospitalized friend, his depressed friend, his fr--brother.

"If I hadn't ended up here, Michael never would've shown up and I never would've forgiven him--or gotten a sandwich." he smiles halfway at his friend, who seemed to crack a smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. He lets out a deep throaty cough that shakes his whole body as the door creaks open and Ashton appears.

"Luke-- oh hey Calum!" he flashes the tan boy a smile before turning back to Luke. "Can you come here for a sec?" he asks. The blond glances at his friend before walking out with Ashton.

"What is it?" he asks once the door closes.

"Have you seen Michael? I can't find him." Ashton frowns, making Luke's heart jump speed a little.

"Did you check the cafeteria?" he asks quickly, his thoughts beginning to race as Ashton nods. "Okay. You talk to Calum and I'll look." Luke takes a deep breath and walks down the corridors, mostly mumbling to himself as he occasionally looks out the windows at the arrangement of trees that surrounded a lot of the building. He's almost all the way back when he spots a head of red hair and sighs in relief as he takes the same exit Michael must've and approaches him slowly.

"I didn't know you smoked." Luke says, leaning against the same railing as Michael making him jump.

"Christ." he mutters in surprise and let's the cigarette fall to the ground. "I don't really. Only when I'm stressed out or something." he mutters, playing with the plastic wrapped sandwich now in his hands. "Not very often." he says under his breath.

"Why don't you come inside?" Luke suggests, making Michael sigh but oblige, following behind Luke to Calum's room.

The two walk in silence as they reach Calum's room where he lay, awkwardly sharing Ashton's company. "I brought your sandwich." Michael plasters on a smile and walks over to the opposite side of the bed as Ashton and unwrapping it for him.

"Thank you." Calum smiles, his face glowing again. Michael pecks Calum's lips with a soft smile when the doctor walks in.

"Visiting hours are over, you may have one guest over night if you wish." he informs as all eyes fall on Calum, who's looking at Michael. Everyone gets it, they just got back together, so everyone leaves except Michael and Calum.

"You'll lay with me right?" Calum asks softly, his gaze locked up and looking towards this beautiful boy.

"Of course." was his reply, it'll always be his reply. After Calum eats his sandwich and all is quiet in the hospital besides the beeping if heart monitors, Calum begins to stir. There's a weird lurch in his stomach and he can feel his sandwich from earlier coming up.

"Mi-" and then there's the sound of vomit splattering on the ground.

a/n: hey guys
I feel like this is ending soon like I'm really upset about that I like doing colabs let's do another 😏😏
fun fact: I always update on my phone because my household has yet to obtain a computer (poorpeopleprobs)

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