T w ę n t y n i n e

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Written by: Lashtongiggles (this is so gross and unedited ew bye)

Luke and Ashton had found their way back to the field they had been to only once before. It was a place that they shared the feelings that hid in the depths of their souls, lingering along with their deepest secrets. Ashton again put pretty little flowers amongst the blond hair, making a miniature flower crown out of the tiny flowers.

"I love you." Ashton mumbles softly. His fingers grazing over the porcelain skin of his lover delicately, as if he may brake.

"I love you too." Luke replies instantly, his eyes glazed over in a type of emotion that he had yet to feel so strongly until that moment.

"But do you know how much?" By this point, Ashton was feeling really cheesy and lovey-dovey towards Luke and moves so he's sitting upon the younger boy's lap. He presses his nose against Luke's, blue electrifying eyes meeting his own in curiosity as he awaited an answer. "When the stars come out at night and you see them shining in the sky, it's beyond that. I know this is really cheesy and stupid, but goddamn I love you so much it physically hurts me. I hate that I know what you look like when you cry, and that I didn't know what to do about it. I don't like that I still don't know everything about you, but what I do like is that I get to look forward to learning them." he takes a big breath to make up for what he just lost. Luke kisses him suddenly, a soft touch of their lips already setting off sparks. It was sweet and loving, neither of them wanting to take it any further until Luke pushes Ashton back against the ground, making several flowers fall into the elder's cheeks. He giggles at the soft pedals on his skin and they roll around on the ground, pressing down more flowers as they make out.

They kiss with such love and hope, and passion. Something neither had felt so strongly before until this very moment when that specific emotion pooled in the pit of their stomachs making them tighten up in knots. It was as if they were under each other's spell. They were addicted to each other's lips, smell, touch, anything that have to do with each other.

They kiss, their lips molding together in harmony as they test each other's boundaries. Pushing and pushing until one of them had to stop.

"I don't think we should do this, here." Luke says, watching Ashton's eyes, seeing them glazed over in some sort of emotion halfway between lust and love.

"Okay, I understand of you aren't ready and we should probably go and get ready for the date later and--"

"Ash, not here. As in not in the field. I still--I still want this, trust me. Just maybe, in the car?" he suggests, a light pink dusting his cheeks. Ashton was eager. Eager to say yes and eager to lift the taller boy and kiss him the whole way back to the car.

They shared many giggles on the way though, from the flowers falling from Luke's hair to the branches that would hit the back of the blond's pretty little head. You'd think that all that way back, they'd get tired of the feel of each other's lips, but it was purely to opposite.

As Luke lay in the back seat of the car, the windows fogged up from the sweaty bodies and hot breath. They both had a new definition, never had they been so close to each other before. Not have they loved someone quite as much as they love each other.


"C'mon, Ash!" Luke whines, buttoning the middle button on his black blazer. He checks his hair in the mirror one more time before impatiently waiting for his boyfriend to saunter down the hallway. "Michael and Calum are already there!" he pouts, finally seeing the older boy coming towards him.

"Wow, you clean up nice, kitten." Ashton kisses the blond on the lips and checks to make sure his bandana is okay in his hair before linking his arm with Luke's. "Our cab awaits us." he says in a posh accent, rising his chin in the air making Luke giggle. They arrive at the restaurant in a matter of minutes and immediately spot the other couple.

Calum had been released from the hospital for a few days, attending therapy quite frequently. He dropped a significant amount of weight and his hands were always shaky from withdrawal symptoms, but he was okay. He was recommended to drink more water a day than a regular person usually did, but that was only to get the remaining alcohol out of his system as his body had come to rely on the substance.

His head rested on Michael's shoulder comfortably, their hands intertwined under the table as they sit in almost a complete silence. Michael would mumble things to him every now and then and kiss his head, then check his wrists swiftly so he wouldn't notice.

"Luke, Ashton! S'bout time, we were falling asleep here." Michael chuckles reaching out a hand as he is in no place to get up unless Calum did first. The tan boy sent a small smile their way and lifted his head up from his boyfriend's shoulder but made no move to get up.

"I'm glad we're doing this. Everything seems to be on the downside lately, I'm glad we could get out." Ashton says, taking the inside of the booth. Everyone would nod in agreement because he was absolutely right and then they ordered their food and drinks.

Calum of course got a water while everyone else got some sort of soda. Their meals were varied from salad to pasta and being that it was a pretty fancy place, their food took quite some time to get to them.

"How've you guys been?" Luke asks, the silence at the table becoming quite awkward.

"Good--um, Michael actually asked me to move in with him." Calum says sheepishly, as if he didn't want Luke to find out.

"Really? That's great!" he says, watching Calum steal some of the red headed boy's drink.

"Yeah, we--uh-- already started moving some of my stuff over to his and--yeah." There's a pit that had begun to empty itself inside of Luke. He was watching his best friend leave him, of course they were still friends but it'll be quite odd not having him around all the time.

"That's great, Cal. I'm happy for you." he smiles halfway, because he's going to miss his friend--like a lot. Ashton seems to sense a change in the blond so his hand goes to his knee and rubs it comfortingly.

"Thanks." he seems to feel that Luke is sincere enough and let's out a long breath in time for their food to arrive. They eat in silence, none of them having anything to say.

As they are leaving, Luke and Calum share a long hug, as if it could be their last before they depart. Calum goes to Michael's and Luke just goes home with Ashton by his side.

a/n: I can't sleep so I decided to update
what's up
I feel a sequel comin on *rubs hands together menacingly* you don't have to write it with me if I do end up deciding to write one though bc yeah


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