F ø u r

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Written by: lashtongiggles

The two friends don't really decide on a time to get up that morning since their time window is so large. So it's precisely nine thirty when Luke wakes up the next day. He doesn't fix any breakfast or make any coffee as usual since he's going to Breathe Me when Calum wakes up. He emerges no more than twenty minutes later, fully clothed and already ready. He pulls a hoodie over his head and slips a beanie on and is out the door before Luke even gets there so he has to jog to catch up to him.

"In a hurry are we?" Luke asks in an amused tone.

"I just don't want to be stuck out in the cold for too long." he breathes, a large cloud forming in front of his lips. They walk in silence for the rest of the walk to the exotic coffee shop. Luke was on edge the whole time, nervous to see the attractive male, hoping he looked okay.

The two boys enter the shop, grateful of the heat even though Calum was practically gagging at the smell of coffee.

"Hey, Luke! Hey Luke's friend!" Sarah calls from behind the counter.

"Hey Sarah." Luke replies with a smile and finds a table near the desk, Luke's chair had Saturn and Calum's had Jupiter on the seat. "What do you want, Cal? Juice and a donut?" Luke asks, standing from his seat and walking to the counter, not having to look at look at Calum to know the answer.

"Large black coffee, an orange juice and a donut." Luke smiles and feels Calum appear at his side rather then saving the table. Not that anyone would take it. It's basically a ghost town.

"This must be Calum." She smiles at the tan boy as Luke nods.

"Calum, this is Sarah, Sarah, this is Calum." Calum nods and smiles a little, and the girl simply smiles.

"Ashton is in the back, I'll have him serve you." she winks and the two boys walk back to their table.

"So Ashton as in the Ashton's work hours on the refrigerator?" Calum raises an eyebrow at his younger friend who simply shrugs.

"Maybe, yea." his cheeks are glowing a little making Calum smirk knowingly. "Shut up. I don't even know him." Luke rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to know them personally to fall in wooooovvvee." Calum mocks and giggles like a little school girl.

"You're an ass." the pale boy mutters under his breath. Calum opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by, of course, Ashton.

"Large black coffee for Luke and an orange juice and donut for Calum." he chirps, setting the beverages and food item in front of the two boys. He waves his arm back to the tray and accidentally knocks the hot coffee over, spilling it all over Luke. He jumps up with a squeak and holds his shirt away from his body. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He squeaks and gets a towel and tries to rub it off of the taller boy.

"It's okay really- I-I don't think that's working." Luke chuckles nervously as the muscley boy rubs his torso to try and get the coffee to get out.

"No, I think I can get it out." he drops the towel and is using his sleeve.

"I don't-"



"I almost-"

"I think you're making it worse." Luke chuckles and Ashton finally gives up and lets the wet material cling to the blond boy's skin. Ashton wasn't complaining though, there was a clear outline of his abs and he really enjoyed the view.

"I'm really sorry." Ashton looks up at Luke and is just intoxicated immediately when their eyes meet. "I-I uh let me m-make it up to you." He begs, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering. Luke shakes his head and subconsciously tries to wipe the liquid from his shirt.

"It's really okay." he promises, and Ashton sighs in defeat.

"Fine, but I'm making you another one and both of them are free." he walks away before Luke can say anything else. He sits down across from Calum again and he doesn't look up from his donut.

"That was amusing." He avers, sipping his juice and picking a sprinkle off of his donut and eating it.

"Glad I could amuse you Calum." Luke rolls his eyes at his friend and picks up the empty cup to take a drink before he remembers, and sets it down again. The scorching beverage had since calmed down and was now cold on Luke's skin making him shiver and get goosebumps. "Gosh." he pulls on his jacket again in attempt to warm him and he's suddenly dreading the walk back home in the frosty air. He looks out of the window and sees the soft flurries softy falling from the sky and almost audibly groans.

"Here you go." Ashton smiles and winks at the younger boy, setting down the large coffee in front of him. He walks away, behind Calum and Luke can't help but stare at his hips, and the way they sway. The two boys decide to leave shortly after despite Luke's protests.

They're walking down the street, going the opposite direction of their home because Calum wanted a new comic book and there's a new shop that opened down the street. He also declared that since Luke took him somewhere he didn't want to go, he would take Luke somewhere.

They walk in the small shop, the walls painted black with all of the superheroes imagined scattered about. The tan boy looks around in silent awe as he realizes he just stepped into his own little paradise.



It's unedited

IM SORRY IT SUCKS AND ITS SHORT AND I feel like shit I think I have food poisoning bc I almost threw up


I hope you like it


Stephanie gets the malum part


Unless she(you?) doesn't want to write it BUT I'm rambling bye

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