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Written by: lashtongiggles

I feel like the song is relevant to Calum and his drinking and Michael idk

"C'mon, Cal." Luke pleas, becoming utterly distraught over his best friend.

"No, Luke. I'm not letting you beat up Michael. Mostly because you're a twig and he would beat you to a pulp." the tan boy mutters bitterly. His attitude and self worth had dramatically decreased in the mere hours it had been since the incident. He picks the the dried up paint on the wall with a sigh. His eyes are still red and puffy from the earlier events mostly because he doesn't understand why Michael would leave him over something so simple, as cliché as it sounds he thought they were meant to be. Calum doesn't really know where he went wrong.

Well, yeah, he didn't tell Michael about his small problem, but was it really that important? Enough to effect a relationship? It must've been something else.

"Have you no faith in me?" He asks in nothing more than a joking matter but his friend sighs and sits up.

"It just sucks, you know?" he sighs pitifully, his eyes still red and puffy. "I thought- we just had this connection, you know? We both like comic books, and the frozen town, and he liked coffee but I didn't but that can't be the reason right?" he takes a shaky inhale and closes his eyes because as stupid as it sounds, he promised himself he wouldn't cry anymore.

"Calum, you're overreacting. It's not like he actually broke up with you right?" Luke says as Calum sniffles.

"N-no I guess not." he mumbles, his voice raising up hopefully. "Do you think he'll call?" his hopes are soaring beyond reach making his blond friend smile.

"Of course. Who could resist you?" he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and finally gets a laugh out of the tan boy.

"You're a dork." he mumbles, shoving his face in a couch pillow.

"I'm not the one with my face in a pillow." he snorts, poking the tan boy in the side where he knows he's ticklish.

"Stop, Luke." the tan boy sniffles and turns to face the back of the couch. The blond groans and gets up to go to the door.

"I'll be back." he mumbles bitterly and walks out the door and down the street. He coughs slightly into his sleeve and looks up to see the familiar red fluff of hair in the store in front if him. He looked like he was just having the best of times making the blond frown as he pulled his hood over the back of his head and averted his eyes to the ground. Maybe he was still drunk, nobody in their right mind would do that right?

Maybe Michael is still drunk.

He walks into Breathe Me in hopes Ashton is still there.

"Hey, Luke!" The older boy chirps from behind the counter. The customer he was helping giving the blond a dirty look for distracting the employee.

"Hey, Ash." he smiles half way and takes a seat near the door in a chair with the sun on the seat. Luke watches as the sun hits Ashton just right. He's smiling as the light shines from behind him making his skin glisten. He seems to be talking and moving in slow motion as the blond is basically-

"Luke, Luke! Stop drooling over Ashton." Sarah waves her hand in front of his lightning blue eyes making him blink a few times. This, Luke notices, catches Ashton's attention as his eyes flicker over to the pair. His cheeks heat up slightly and he turns to face the opposite direction of the counter. "Can you two get together already?" she sighs dreamily making Luke roll his eyes.

"Why are you so obsessed with us?" he asks, quirking his eyebrow at the girl with sparkling eyes.

"I don't know, why are you obsessed with dīck?" she flutters her eyelashes innocently. Luke narrows his eyes and smirks.

"Touché." she giggles as the shorter boy walks up behind her.

"Hey Luke." he smiles and Sarah takes that as her quie to go. "So there's this, erm, party thing tonight at my friend's house and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?" He asks unsurely. His feet were fidgeting under the table as he awaited his answer.

"Sure, why not?"


So they arrive with pounding music and alcohol. Luke knows it's wrong, but he had to get away from all the drama so he doesn't say know when he's handed his first drink.

Drink after drink is down his throat and he's become a little buzzed but he can't ignore how Ashton looks on the dancefloor.

They're both at least tipsy because their swaying like zombies that try to hard and neither can stop giggling.

They find themselves pushed away in a corner of the house, Ashton's strong arms on either side of Luke but that doesn't stop them from brushing their lips together.

a/n: this is rushed and ugly and unedited


Hate me

I had the most awkward try out today mainly bc I forgot a sports bra *cries*

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