S ę v ę n t e e n

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Written by: cliffordcondoms

The two boys sat at the coffee shop, waiting for Michael to come by. He was supposed to meet them at half nine but it's already half ten. This only seemed to worry Calum even more. Ever since their first date, he couldn't help but be paranoid that Michael would leave him and ignore him. He even got a black coffee and recieved weird glances from Sarah as she set the orange juice on the counter next to the cash register cautiously.

"Cal," Luke sighs and rests his hand on top of his friend's for support. "Everything will be okay. He's just a little late, alright; and quit drinking that coffee, you look like a green bean with disgust." Calum feels the coffee cup being pulled away from his grip and turned to Luke, about to complain until the familiar ring of the door opening caught his attention.

His red haired boyfriend stood at the door, his hands clutching his head from the sound of the ring as he stumbled over to their table. He looked agitated and exhausted, almost as if he had woken up minutes ago; which, Calum thinks may be the cause to why he's late and looking like shit.

"Morning, baby." Calum greets with a nervous smile. He stands from his seat and pulls out the chair across from him for Michael, his eyes never leaving his.

"Good morning, Cal. You wanted to talk to me?"

"I did." Calum says. He kisses Michael but quickly pulls away. The sooner he gets this over with, the easier it will be.

The tan boy looks down at his hands and starts playing with his fingers in fear. Thoughts swarmed his mind about Michael's reaction but couldn't seem to string any of them together to form words. What if he leaves him? He can't afford that happening. He can't tell him - not now.

"Luke," he speaks up. "Will you excuse us?"

Luke wanted to question his friend's request but decided not to when he noticed his tear brimmed eyes. The blonde sighed; but, nevertheless, gave the two boys some privacy and stood up to go to the front counter, taking a seat in the tall stools and stares at the amazing pasteries in display.

Every swirl of whipped cream ontop of the waffles that are topped with chocolate shavings made his mouth water. The young teen didn't even notice his nose was pressed up against the glass until it fogged up; which caused him to squeal and wipe at the glass.

"Can I interest you in these?" The boy from behind the counter spoke. "They're my specialty." He beams and pats the blonde's back. Luke looks up impetuously and gasps when he sees Ashton standing across from him looking better than ever. He wasn't wearing that silly bandana that Luke learned to love or his regular tank top and skinny jeans - he was dressed up formally.

Luke's mouth stayed agaped as his facial features softened in awe. He never realized how buff Ashton was until his arms looked restricted in his white dress shirt, or how great of an ass he had until he saw him buckle on a pair of dress pants. He could definitely get used to this.

"Luke?" Ashton waves his hand in front of the boy's face to catch his attention and chuckles when Luke shakes his head and shys away from the counter.

"I-I um. . . if it isn't too much of a bother." Luke says, his cheeks heating up when he saw Ashton staring right back at him.

The older boy set his grammer books on the shelf under the counter along with his cardigan and started loosening his tie before pulling out the necessary items. It was fairly quiet and awkward as he did so, not knowing what to tell Luke and since Sarah isn't here, he isn't sure if he should be here or not. It is Monday and he just finished his morning class and has a large gap to do as he wishes. He should probably be private studying but he couldn't care less about uni at the moment when Luke is here with him.

"You never bother me, Luke." Ashton replies with a grin. He stops doing what he's doings and slips on his apron before sending Luke a wink. The younger boy releases an inaudible whimper and sits back down on the stool. He hates Ashton's teasing and Luke can tell that Ashton knows the effect he has on him. "What brings you here?"

Luke turns around and notices Calum arguing with Michael at a noise level that couldn't be heard from where he sat. He frowned and turns back around to answer Ashton's question. "I'm here with Calum and Michael... sort of." He glances at the couple once more, wishing he could help out with whatever they were talking about but pushed the thought away. Calum would've told him if he needed help or not. "What about you? You're dressed nice."

"Oh yeah, " Ashton chuckles and pinches his black dress pants after wiping the batter off of his fingers. "I had an audition today."

"Yeah? What for?" Luke asks over the hissing of the cooking.

"Mhm," Ashton hums. He removes his apron and shakes his hair away from his face before taking his glasses off and wiped at his eyes. "It was for the first chair in my section for the campus band."

Just when Luke thought Ashton couldn't get any cuter, he did. "Really?" He asks in amusement and leans foward to rest his chin on the palm of his hand in interest. "I didn't know you had an interest in music whatsoever."

"There's lots of things you don't know about me, my dear friend." Ashton states with a grin. "But we can change that, right? "

"Yeah! " Luke says too eagerly. "Yeah, " he repeats firlmy. "I'd love that. It'd be a proper date- hang out you know? I won't be sick or have any interruptions like usual."

Ashton chuckles, "I didn't mind that as long as I was with you." And set the waffles in front of Luke.

The younger boy took this as a chance to dig into his food and hide his blush while Ashton simply observed the boy from behind the counter, studying every detail; like the way Luke would stick his tongue out each time he'd take a forkful of food or take a sip of his coffee after every swallow. It was adorable and Ashton could watch him for hours.

"Luke?" He piped up. "I need to tell you something and there's no better place than here. Ever since we met, I felt like I had to be with-"

"Michael, please listen to me!"

The slamming of the door made both of the boys turn towards Calum-- who desperately chased after a running Michael until the door prevented him to move forward.

"Cal!" Luke called out. He jumped out of his seat to grab his friend, forgetting about Ashton completely.

The oldest boy observed in confusion as the two boys hugged and comforted each other. Luke clung onto Calum, whispering words of encouragement that were unheard by Ashton.

The blue-eyed boy finally turned to Ashton after a couple of minutes with sad eyes and mouthed a 'sorry' before walking out of the coffee bar with his crying friend.

Ashton only nodded in understandment and gripped onto Luke's plate before throwing it away. He knew Luke wasn't coming back and sure, he was upset that he didn't get to tell him what he wanted to say but at the same time he felt grateful that he didn't.

He would've made a fool out of himself;

and it's not like Luke would understand anyway.


Excuse the poorly written chapter. I'm fatigue and I'm recovering from an accident I had over the weekend but don't worry I'm okay now.

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