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Written by YOUR BAE WITH A BIG ASS BOOTY: Lashtongiggles

They walk to Luke's home, their hands brushing everytime they take a stride and the blond shivers. His blue eyes are wide as he tries to suppress his teeth chattering. Luke tries to subtly get closer to the older boy to try and share some of his warmth, but he only moves away and finally, the blond gives up.

"Uhm, this is me." Luke coughs slightly and stops in front of the building.

"Let me walk you to your floor." He says softly, his hand brushing Luke's chilled one long enough to tell how cold he really was. "Luke, are you cold?"


"Why didn't you tell me!" He rushes to take off the light hoodie he was wearing and wraps it around the younger boy's shoulders.

"Thanks, but you really didn't have to." Luke blushes a little as they begin their trek up the stairs.

"Yeah, well I don't want you getting sick." The shorter one murmurs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Luke didn't really want to say that he would probably already get a cold since he can't really feel his toes very well and his nose feels like it's about to fall off his face.

"Oh." The blonde whispers with a smile creeping onto his lips. They stop on the fifth floor in front if Luke and Calum's apartment. "I live here." He motions to the door marked 5s and they both kind of just stare at each other before Luke looks away with a blush. "You-uh wanna come in? I don't want you to get stuck out in the snow storm." He offers hopefully, his eyes shining as he looks down on the shorter boy.

"I dunno.." He trails off, his eyes looking somewhere beyond Luke as he decides.

"Please? I have hot chocolate, and movies!" His eyes are big and electrifyingly large, a contrast from the white of the blizzard.

"Okay, sure." He finally gives in and Luke unlocks the door in excitement. They enter the apartment and are hit by a cold gust of air because again-nobody paid for the heat. There's no sign of Michael or Calum so it's good they aren't doing it on the couch or something.

"Sorry it's cold-er- you can pick a movie in the cabinet underneath the tv. I'll go get some blankets." After Ashton nods the blond rushes off to his room and snatches the duvet from his mattress.

After thinking twice, he drops it and decides to check on his friend. He creeps over and gently opens the door to his best friend's room. He doesn't see much at first, but then he sees the light shimmering on tan and pale skin mixed with the duvets on the bed. Luke smirks and backs away, knowing his plan was such a success and grabs the duvet from his room and brings it down the stairs to Ashton.

"Hey, what'd you pick?" The blond asks, throwing the blanket on the couch carelessly.

"Um, Brave." He shrugs gently and Luke can see the blush on his cheeks.

"Cool, I love that movie." The blond agrees and takes the disk from the older boy to put in the DVD player. Ashton sits on the couch awkwardly as Luke tries to figure out which channel to put the tv on. Finally, he gets it and sits next to the shorter boy.

"Sorry it's so cold," the blond shivers, pulling his glasses off of the bridge of his nose and setting them on the side table. "someone forgot to pay the heating bill again." He moves the duvet so it's covering both of them and Ashton shrugs.

"It's ok. It's kind of like my place." He discovers softly as the previews start on the screen. They press play and the movie begins, though they didn't watch it much.

"Why do you work at a coffee shop? Surely that's not enough to pay rent." Luke asks out of pure curiousity.

"Actually, with my place it does." He informs quietly. "My apartment is quite small so I don't need much pay rent." The older boy explains.

"Why a coffee shop?"

"I applied to many jobs, this is the only one I got."

"Oh, cool." They both fall silent and watch the movie, eventually Luke ends up cuddled up to Ashton, mentally telling himself the only reason was that he was cold because obviously it was.

"How come you only need a small apartment?" Luke finally breaks the silence.

"I'm only there to sleep, I spend most of my time in the uni to complete my studies or working at Breathe Me."

"Your parents don't help with the costs?" Luke can feel Ashton's hesitation as stiffness takes over the older boy's body.

"No. They left when I was young." He mutters softly, looking down at the blond, who's head had ended up in the older boy's lap.

"Oh. I'm sorry." A twinge of regret squeezes Luke's lungs as he wishes he never even brought the subject up.

"It's ok. They didn't have a choice." And then he goes quiet, neither boy wanting to say anything else, butluke was determined to keep the conversation going.

"What do you study?" He continues softly, blinking slowly as if tryin to stay awake.

"I'm currently studying to be a major in English and poetry."

"How come?"

"It's what I'm good at. It's what my whole family does, it's a family thing and I'm just trying to keep it going." He informs, his eyes drooping as well as his fingers mess with the soft mesh of Luke's blond hair.

"It's not what you want to do, is it?" He notices the older boy's hesitation once again and patiently waits an answer.

"Of course it is." He lies through his teeth, and the blond can tell but he doesn't say anything, he doesn't want to argue.

"Okay. As long as you're happy." He mumbles, blinking slowly as he looks up into the hazel abysses with a lazy smile. Ashton looks back and thinks about how much of a perfect picture this would be, when the blond looked absolutely perfect and cuddly and tired.

"You know what I've always wanted?" Luke asks, his hand reaching up to brush some of his wavy fringe out of the lenses of his glasses causing the older boy to break eye contact briefly.

"What's that?" He finally reconnects their eye contact.

"A puppy." Luke yawns, making Ashton yawn too. "Lay down with me." He mumbles almost incoherently, his hand softly gliding across Ashton's muscley chest gently as if trying to pull him down next to him.

"You're going to have to move, hunny." He mumbles and pushes his glasses up closer to his face again. Luke nods and sits up some, the muscles in his stomach sore from overuse and screaming for him to stop but he sits up anyway so his head is off the older boy's lap. "Okay. You can come back down." The shorter boy mumbles softly, beckoning Luke to lay back down onto the couch pillow next to him.

He lays down and into the embrace of Ashton. It's warm, welcoming, and most of all, it feels like home.



To explain the thing at the beginning (donut laugh kay)

My jeans didn't fit yEsterday

Because my butt wouldn't fit in it

I cried

They my faves man


I think what's happening here is I'm usually going to try and update onnn Wednesdays bc my Main girl (CliffordCondoms) usually updates on the weekends



Also I think it's kinda funny cause I'm almost a foot taller than Stephanie (mEh)

Sorry for such a long thing bYe

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