"Field of wildflowers"- Chapter 2

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The next second Elain opened her eyes, and the darkness was gone. She and Azriel were standing in a field of wildflowers. All of the colors of the rainbow surrounded them. But mostly it was blues and yellows that dominated.

She got so lovely surprised that she almost forgot about her pain. Almost. The word she hated. Almost meant not enough, not brave enough, not strong enough. That's how she felt, looking at her sisters was hard. Compared to them she was as good as a broken doll.

"I found this when I was in a very dark place myself." Azriel suddenly said. Elain looked at him. "It helped, I didn't forget, but it helped."

"If you want me to go, I can leave you. I will leave my shadows here, so you only say a word when you want to go back."

"No" she whispered but it was so quiet that she said again, "No stay, I could really use a company."- and squeezed a painful smile, which looked more like a wince.

He smiled back, "Sure."

"What is this place anyway?" She asked, now actually taking everything in. There was no jasmine here, thank the cauldron.

"We're still in a night court if that's what you are asking. The south side of night court, with our court being mostly mountains, it's rare to find a forest especially this pretty."

She still felt awful, but it was better. She felt more like home-like than before. Forest reminded her about her human- home.

Few hours went by, and Elain and Azriel were still together in comforting silence occasionally chatting about little things. It felt refreshing.

When they finally decided to go home, it was almost dinner time.

Azriel took her hand to winow them home to Velaris. But before they did, he looked at her for a good minute and said:

"Whatever you feel like talking, find me, or I will find you", He gave her a short smile. "You are not alone, Elain".

She knew that, of course, she had her sisters. But she would never go talk to them about this. Somehow, Azriels reassurance made her feel better.

"Thanks," she said. "You can talk to me too you know, I hope someday you will tell me why you were down that day when you find this place. It must have taken a lot of time to fly to the south side of the court."- She gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled right back.

"How did you know I was flying, not winnowing?" he asked something like a little surprise on his face.

"Because you told me that you found this place, you can not winnow to a place you never have seen before right?" he gave her a small chuckle, and she smiled herself.

"I didn't know you were so observant," he said. It was his smile last she saw before his shadows winnowed them back.

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