"The new beginning"- Chapter 11 You're one Archeron sister behind, brother.

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In this chapter: Azriel and Elain tell the inner circle about their relationship. A lot of teasing from Cassian.


They spend their day lazily laying, laughing and enjoying each other's company. The high lord and high lady didn't look for them because of Azriel. He asked Nuala and Cerridwen to say that he and Elain had plans, and be back by the evening.

Neither Azriel nor Elain liked being the center of attention, so tonight will be challenging for both of them. They wouldn't be able to keep their relationship a secret for long anyway. Azriel would have to glamour their scent, and the moving in part was not possible without telling them. Elain could already imagine what a fuss this will get them in. At least Cassian and Nesta weren't in Velaris, thank the Cauldron.

Now Az and Elain were sitting on the couch after they had their lunch. She said that she could make him food, but Azriel insisted on cooking. And like in everything, he was amazing at it. Now it was just a matter of minutes before they would have to fly to the townhouse.

"What is it, you look uneasy?" Azriel asked stroking her arm lovingly. "It's just, telling them- " She shook her head. "It will be a real fuss, just think of all the things they will say. They're family, and they mean well it's just..." Azriel nodded in understanding and said "A lot. I know. But, hey, at least Cassian won't be there. " He smirked. She smiled back "He will get to tease you for this later." He kissed her nose and nipped her ear playfully, and she squealed. "Go get dressed, or else we might get distracted again." he murmured. Elain closed her eyes "I wouldn't mind that." Azriel chuckled wickedly "Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't. But, we need to go. The faster we go, the faster we're done with them, and then we can continue." At this, her core heated, but he was right. They had to go, and when they're back, they can have their fun.

She went to his bedroom. Their bedroom now and took his shirt off. Her dress from last night was dry, and she put it on. She let her hair lose and went to the living room where Azriel was waiting, already with his Illiryan leathers. His expression was weird, "What is it?". He looked at her and opened his mouth "Rhys just contacted me, he said that Cassian is back for the evening." Azriel was a little bit pale, and Elain swallowed "Well, then we'll get it full force." Azriel tried to smile, but it looked more like a wince. He took Elain in his arms, and they started flying.

Azriel looked worried during the fly, and Elain said: "Don't worry we will survive them." Azriel looked at her and smiled "It's not that. It just- when a male mates he becomes territorial. Today will be a challenge for me; I wasn't too worried about Rhysand since he is mated... But, Cassian, I might be on edge so please understand me Elain." She took his face in her palm "I understand, but remember that I'm yours, and yours only." He kissed her at that.

They landed on the balcony leading to the living room. "There we go." Elain murmured. They opened the doors and went in. There were only Feyre and Rhysand in the room, no others yet. When they saw them, Rhys opened his mouth to say "There you are I've-" He trailed off, sensing them. The grin on Rhysands face was nothing less but wicked and a moment after Feyre joined him.

"Finally! " She squeaked. "I've been waiting for this, for three years now," Azriel looked uncomfortable, and Elain asked, "You knew that we-?" Feyre interrupted "No. I'm not a seer. I was just hoping; you two are made for each other." Rhys nodded his agreement and clasped Azriel on the back "Congratulations brother I hope you two will be happy." Azriel smiled at that. When Rhys hugged Elain, he tensed and gripped her hand. Rhysand just laughed and let her go quickly "Sorry Az forgot about that." Azriels eyes softened, and she could tell he felt sorry, she squeezed his hand in reassurance.

That's when Cassian and Mor came in. Mor just smiled and repeated the same that Feyre has said "Finally. You know how annoying it was for me to know you two love each other and watch that you won't do anything about it." Elain blushed "You knew?" Mor just smiled at Elain "My gift is true, dear."

"I bet it was Elain who took the first step" Cassian eyed her, he was grinning like an idiot. Azriel tensed again, as Cassian's eyes landed on Elain. It has cost him a lot of restraint not to leap on his brother for looking at her; she knew that. So Elain just moved in front of Az and wrapped his arms around her middle, so he would remember that she is his and Cassian is not a threat. He relaxed at that, slightly.

They spend the evening chatting and eating. Amren joined them later on and smiled warmly at Elain for the first time. At least one person wasn't making a fuss. When Cassian wasn't teasing them, he talked about Nestas progress. How she trained with other females but still cursed Cassian every day. No improvement there it seemed. Elain felt pride that Nesta was training and finally not wasting her life on males and drinking. "Speaking of Nesta," Cassian began and grinned again looking at them. "How are you planning to tell her? Because I'm not doing that. I like living" Azriel winced at that "I don't think she will mind when she sees how happy I am, besides I love my sister, but it is not her concern," Elain said looking to Feyre. Feyre just gave her an innocent look back.

When they were about to finish eating, Azriel announced that he and Elain are moving in together. Feyre just clapped her hands in excitement. Rhys and Cassian smirked for the hundredth time that night. Mor said that she would help with moving and decorating. "Will we finally get to see your home, brother?" Cassian asked. Azriel just rolled his eyes. "Yes, but only when we settle down." Cassia wiggled his eyebrows "And by settling down you mean?" Azriel groaned.

The rest of the night went like that. It was getting late, and Elain was tired of her family for the evening. She could see in Azriels eyes that he was tired too. She kissed his cheek and stood up, Azriel followed. "I think we will go," Cassian replied, "Tired already?" Elain smirked at him; she was getting better at this too "Well, we didn't get much sleep last night, so yes." Cassian choked on his wine and Azriel smiled in approval. He came behind Cassian clasped him on the shoulders and said: "You're one Archeron sister behind, brother." the rest of the inner circle laugh at that.

He took Elain in his arms, and they flew back to their new home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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