"New beginning"- chapter 8 A Guest

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The dinner was lovely, and they talked the whole evening. When they finished, Azriel just flew her home and said his goodbyes. Elain could not sleep for a few hours after that. The vision of their future kept on playing in her mind.

The next morning was like always. She ate breakfast and when Elain was about to go to the garden she heard the knock on the door.

Elain opened the door. Standing there was Peyton holding flowers. "Hallo Elain," he said.

Elain smiled a bit stunned; she did not expect to see him. "I know I haven't shown up for a mouth I had to work in another court, but I thought about you a lot. I hoped that maybe we could meet when I come back. So I just came here."

"Oh, uh-" Elain shook her head. "Of course, please come in. Do you want some tea?" She was supposed to fly to their spot with Azriel, but it still was an hour away. "Sure," Peyton said and smiled.

Nuala made the tea. They were sitting in the garden, Elain told him what she had done the past month and he told her about his trip to the day court. It was pleasant, but it didn't feel natural. She knew that if she would ever consider more than a friend he would not be able to understand her fully. Not like Azriel did. But it did not hurt to make friends.

When they stood up, a familiar sensation flooded to her. Azriel winnowed to the garden. He smiled, but when he beheld Peyton his smile faltered.

"Peyton, this is Azriel. Azriel, this is Peyton." She introduced. "Azriel is that friend I told you about." Peyton smiled and politely greeted Azriel.

Azriel however, did not return the sentiment. He smiled and nodded his head in hallo that looked way to fake for such a good spy and liar.

"Peyton was just about to go," Elain said and led him closer to the door.

"I was hoping that maybe we could eat dinner tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.

Elain didn't know when Azriel appeared next to her, but he was standing close now. "We will be busy tomorrow maybe next time. Goodbye." With that, he closed the door to Peyton's face.

"What the hell was that about?" Elain asked a few seconds later.

"What?" Azriel asked innocently. "We are supposed to go out today." He did not sound sorry at all.

"Yes, but that was supposed to be after 30 more minutes." Elain signed. "And you didn't have to be rude to him."

Azriel looked apologetic now. "I'm sorry I-," He tried again "Did you wanted to go out with him tomorrow?" There was no curiosity in his tone, but he couldn't hide it from his eyes.

"No, not really." Elain closed her eyes and opened them again. "I don't really have anything to talk about with him."

"Good," Azriel said, "I mean-" He winced at himself. Elain hasn't seen him struggle for words, but it was quite a site.

"I don't think that I will ever find anyone, who I could talk to the way I do with you" She gave him a little smile. His eyes cleared at that. "Shall we?" She asked.

He took her hands in his and flew them to the field of wildflowers where the picnic basket was waiting for them on the blanket.

The day was pleasant, and Elain often found herself reaching for him. It took a lot of control not to touch him. Her feelings were getting out of her grip, and she felt like she isn't in control of her own mind any longer.

She started acting weird around him, and she knew it, but she couldn't help it. He noticed that too but thankfully didn't say anything.

It didn't help that she remembered the encounter with Peyton and how there was jealousy in Azriel's eyes.

When they lay there, he stretched his arm for her to use as a pillow. She felt like this was too much and too little at the same time. Elain didn't know how to control her feelings, and she desperately needed to breathe. After a moment she told him that she got a headache and asked him to fly her home.

She hated lying to him, but she really needed a damn minute to get control of herself again or else she might spill out her feelings there and then. When they got back, she ensured him that she is fine. After a long convincing he left.

That night Elain fell asleep early when suddenly a vision of Azriel woke her up

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