"The new beginning"- chapter 10 The morning

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  Warning: this chapter contents some smutty scenes. You've been warned.   

Elain woke up in Azriels bed, surrounded by his wings and a hand around her middle. The sun was high up since they fell asleep at their usual waking up time. Her head was on Azriel's chest, and she lifted it to see his face. He still had his eyes closed, but he wasn't asleep. She knew that because he was smiling. And Elain couldn't help but smile herself.

Yesterday... Elain didn't have the right words for yesterday. Azriel was everything and more. After a long persuasion that she really wanted him, he gave in. He was amazing. Her sexual interactions with Graysen used to be short and not pleasant. Azriel was everything, but that. They clutched each other with desperation. They both tasted like the citrus tea they've been drinking. He worshiped her all night until she was limp with pleasure. He kissed and licked every inch of her body, thoroughly, and she came for the first time that evening.

Then it began slowly, and it got faster, and harder. Elain wanted to burst out of her own skin. Only seeing what she was doing to him was enough to finish her. She shattered during the first minute and could already feel the second wave of pleasure chasing her.

Elain also found some interesting ways to drive him insane. It seemed that Azriel's wings were very sensitive and Elain used it for her advantage. Oh, how he moaned her name when she touched them for the first time while he was inside her. They started on the sofa, somehow ended up in the living room, then the stairs and at last the bedroom.

She lost count how many times he threw her over the edge, and it was an understatement to say that this was the best night of Elain's life. When she told him this much, he gave her a satisfied male smile and replied that it was only the beginning.

Right now, Elain hoped that she would never forget this moment, how his hair looked mussed after sleep. She thought that he could never be more beautiful, but she was wrong. She loved how his wings were cocooning her and making her feel warm and loved.

They were naked under the one layer of blankets. Their feet were tangled together. He opened his hazel eyes slowly, his dreamy, wonderful eyes and his smile grew, even more, when he saw her. "I can't believe this is real," he whispered and kissed her hair. "It is real" Elain assured him. She traced a finger through his face. She tracked his beautiful cheekbones, then his lips before sealing them with her own. It was a short kiss, and he started to protest when she withdrew, only to kiss his cheek, then his eyes, his nose. She kissed his entire face, before moving back to his lips.

He dragged his hand to her hair and rolled them over. Azriel's hands were holding him over her as he continued deepening the kiss. He traced her jaw and then her neck and Elain closed her eyes, sighing. "I love it, you know," Azriel said between the kisses. "the sounds you make. I will never get enough of that." Indeed Elain moaned louder at that. It was astonishing what only his words could do to her.

But, Elain pushed him away a little, and he stopped. "As much as I would love for you to make me scream again," she paused and gave him a smile that promised trouble "It's my turn now."

Elain shifted her body, so she was sitting on top of him now. He was already, ready and reaching for her, but she would not give up that easily. She kissed his neck. Going lower until she was kissing his chest, and lower and lower until she was exactly where she wanted to be. She dragged a finger through his length and through the tip. Then she took it in her mouth. Azriel was groaning, hands in the sheets. Elain quickened the pace, and he started trashing beneath her. Azriel tried to grasp her arm. She realized his request; he wanted to be inside her. So she slid on him and started moving up and down. She pinned him down with the kiss giving him a taste of himself as he continued thrusting his hips up. He was close, and when she dragged her hands to his sensitive wings, he came so hard that he took Elain over the edge with him.

She rested on top of him, with him still inside her, listening to his heartbeat for a good while. "I love you," Azriel said. She pecked his lips "I love you too." They continued laying like that, Azriel was touching her hair lightly as he hummed some melody that Elain has never heard before.

Eventually, she pulled away and placed her head on his shoulder. He was still playing with her hair and stroking her spine as she lay bare in front of him. "live with me" It was barely more than a whisper, but Elain head it. "What?" she asked not quite believing it.

"I mean-" Azriel tried again "It's only a suggestion you dont have to if you dont want to I-" Elain interrupted him with a kiss, "I'd love to." She said it and meant it.

Azriel beamed "really?" Elain kissed him again and smiled, "Yes. I want to wake up next to you every day for as long as I live." 

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