Chapter 5 "The Nightmare"

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A week later Elain was baking strawberry cupcakes in the kitchen of Feyres old townhouse

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A week later Elain was baking strawberry cupcakes in the kitchen of Feyres old townhouse. She loved the new home that Feyre build for her family with such a love. But she liked the old townhouse too.

Besides, she felt like Rhys and Feyre needed more time for each other, with all the rebuilding going on they were very busy. Today was everyone's day off. So she left them alone for so much needed privacy.

Azriel, as well as others, had a day for himself. That is why she was baking now. She wanted to do something nice for him. After lunch, they were supposed to fly to the field of the wildflowers again. It had become their spot, it seemed. While the cupcakes were baking in the oven, Elain started to make a frosting.

After their encounter last week, Elain though that it will be hard to look at the shadowsinger, but it wasn't. They kept what happened to themselves. To hide a bond between them, Azriel used his magic. It was small magic he told her, and she was surprised how the most powerful high lord did not notice. Surprised and glad, she did not need Feyre to know. She would be heartbroken, and Elain didn't want to put one more thing on her sister's shoulders. Azriel helped her to keep this secret; he is a spymaster after all.

Elain wanted to do something nice to return his kindness; the problem was that she did not know how she could repay him for everything he has done for her.

When the cupcakes were done, she used the light blue frosting and put some blackberries and strawberries on top. At last, when she decided that it looked and tasted well enough, she went for her room to change.

She still had some of her clothes in the old townhouse and was glad of it.

She was also glad that the Illyrian markings were so high up her arm, that with her dress choices no one could see them. Today was a hot day, and she was not going to see anybody else but Azriel, so she picked a dress that had short sleeves. Her dress was cream color or more like a pastel yellow, and Elain personally loved it. It reminded her of summer in human lands. Her favorite time of the year.

When she went downstairs, Azriel was already there, giving her a greeting smile. "Ready?" he asked.

"Just a moment," she said going to the kitchen to take the cupcakes she placed in the light blue box.

"What's that?" he asked, looking curiously. Elain lifted a brow "You're a spymaster, shouldn't you know everything? "

"Sometimes even I like surprises," Azriel said, took her in his arms and held her while they flew through Velaris.

It was indeed an unusually warm day, and Elain was happy that she wore the lightweight dress. Azriel was in short sleeves as well. They set on the blanket in their usual spot and chated. Azriel ate five cupcakes, and Elain had one and a half. Azriel finished the other half of the cupcake as well. How could the Illyrians eat so much and look this good? The constant training probably, well whatever it was it did them justice.

After they had eaten, Elain decided to pick some flower, while Azriel was going to read some of the reports. Yes, even on his day of the spymaster seemed to be unable to leave his work behind.

Elain had seen this place more than a few times now. But it always strikes her, how beautiful the colors are, how vibrant. Every flower seems to look different with every visit. She picked the blue ones, the color of Azriels siphons and some of the deep shade of yellow for some diversity.

When she turned back to see where their blanket was she couth him looking at her. He was probably still worried about her, but Elain wouldn't think about that now.

When she sat beside him, he looked back to his reports. It was strange that he was only on the first page. Elain could have sworn that she was picking and analyzing flowers for a good half an hour. She took the first blue flower and started to make a flower crown. When she was done; she looked at Azriel, who seemed very concentrated in his paperwork. She quietly placed the flower crown on his head and gave him a broad smile. He rolled his eyes up as if in that way he could see what she put on his head. "Well aren't you handsome?", she asked still with a grin on her face.

He just laughed in return and shook his head to the sides as if trying to get out of the trance.

The rest of the afternoon was also lovely. Later Azriel lay down on the blanket, still reading his reports. When Elain came from the flower picking the second time the shadowsinger was sleeping. At least it looked like he was.

What a view; one of the greatest spies in Prythian, laying on a blanket in a field of the wildflowers with a flower crown on his head. Which was by the way almost falling off him right now. He looked so peaceful. Elain doubted that many people got to see him this way. She felt privileged that she was one of them, and smiled to herself. She grew used to him. How could she not? With everything, he did for her, with how much he helped her. It was only natural that she felt these warm feelings toward him.

She felt such a need to touch his cheek at that moment. She moved closer. But before her hand could reach for him, he started to stir. His shadows are going wild all around him, his eyes were closed, but his head was moving to the sides. A nightmare, Elain realized. He must be having a nightmare. Elain sometimes wished that someone would wake her from her nightmares, so she tried to wake him up.

She cupped his shoulders in her hands and tried to shake him. He didn't wake; she started calling his name louder and louder. And when his eyes flew open, it was panic in his eyes. Such a displayed panic. She had never seen him like this. And it broke something in her.

He must have seen it because after a few moments he said, "I'm fine." He closed his eyes, and open them again. "Really, Elain, I'm fine." It sounded like he was saying this for himself rather than for her.

She took his hands in hers. He followed the movement. "You can talk to me you know that.?" Elain said. "You helped me with my nightmares let me help you with yours."

From the expression on his face, Elain wondered if anyone ever offered him that.

Azriel looked at her, took a deep breath and said, "I dreamed of that night when I got those." he squeezed her hand, and she realized that he was speaking of the scars that were on his hands, that she was now holding.

Azriel told her the story of his childhood, what his brothers did to him. What his father did to him. When he finished, Elain was crying. He wiped her tears away with one hand and let her take his hands in hers again.

That he chose to share this part of his life with her... She did not have words for it. She was happy and sad, and so, so furious with his brothers and everyone who dared to harm him.

He smiled at her sadly, "So now you know the darkest part of my existence." She squeezed his hands again, "I'm so thankful that you shared this with me, Azriel. I am happy that I was able to help you, the same way you always help me" Elain said smiling back at him.

He looked at her, and then to her arm where the tattoo that connected their lives was. And while his face was holding the same expression, his eyes darkened.
He lifted his hand as if to touch it, but stopped himself, and looked back at her.
"I am happy that I told you. And you help me Elain. You help me more than you think you do. "

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