"New beginning"- chapter 7 The Vision

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The next few days Azriel was nowhere to be seen. But eventually, they came back to their routine. Azriel hasn't talked to her about what had happened after that dinner and Elain did not push. She knew better than that. Azriel is just as a private person as she is, more even.

During the month they grew closer and closer within every day, but she still could feel wariness in his behavior. There was some strange tension between them, whether it was because of them, or something else Elain did not know it.

But they kept on spending their time like before. Whenever Azriel's not busy, they would fly to their usual place or take a walk in Velaris. Last week Azriel took Elain to his family garden, where Azriels family was he didn't say. He usually didn't like to talk about it, so Elain didn't ask that either.

The place was beautiful so vibrant and full of color. Azriels mother it seemed was a great gardener, and she hoped that she could one day meet her.

Right now they were sitting on a couch drinking a tea. Azriel was reading some of his reports like he always does. First Elain wondered if it was because he was bored with her company, that he wanted to do his work instead. However, she realized that he was simply comfortable around her. And she started to appreciate his quiet work.

Her tea was too hot for drinking, and she was supposed to read a book but, she could not concentrate on it now. She kept on drifting to her thoughts and suddenly felt very sleepy. She closed her eyes for a second.

A warm hand was stroking her hair. Elain opened her eyes, how long was she asleep.? She could see that light changed from bright to dim through the windows. And she was laying down on; she was laying on Azriels lap. When she realized it with a little shock, she tried to sit, but he just nudged her shoulder down again.

"It's okay" He chuckled. "You started to sleep, and your head kept on landing on my shoulder. But I thought that this would be more comfortable for you." He smiled at her.

Her cheeks flushed. He covered her with a blanket, such a full of care and thoughtful male. Elain smiled back and kept her head, where it was. He kept on stroking her hair. After a moment he went back to reading his reports once more. The room was getting darker with every passing moment, and the fireplace was illuminating the place now. The cracking of fire was the only sound in the room.

She suddenly got such a strong need to touch Azriels cheek. And when she started raising her arm, when the vision hit her:

It was a room, also with a fireplace. She was sitting on a couch Azriel was also there. The difference was that they were holding hands. Hands with wedding bands on them, both of them the same. And the most significant difference Elain noticed was that her belly was huge. She was pregnant. And Azriel was touching her stomach lightly smiling at her with such a smile that Elain has never seen him make. He looked so happy. They both did.

"I love you, flower" He murmured into her hair.

One second it was there the next the vision was over. She came to reality with a gasp.

She shot up, Azriels arms were instantly on her shoulders.

"What is it? What did you saw?", he asked with a worry he could not conceal.

Elain just stared at him. She did not know that it was possible, that they might be together in the future. She knew that she liked him not only on a friendly level but this-... This meant that he might feel the same for her. Or might feel it in the future.

Elain could wait, for him to come to her. She owned him that much. He healed her, even if he doesn't know that. During those quiet afternoons, she realized that she is in love with him.

They might be able to be a family one day; she felt happy and terrified and happy again. Then she remembered his face in that vision, so full of light and joy. She had never seen him like this. And she was the reason for that happiness. Suddenly Elain felt a wave of joy herself.

She had no idea how long she has been staring at him. She smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing, don't worry."

He looked at her suspiciously "If you ever need to talk about it, I'm here." Elain just nodded.

"I've wanted to take you to dinner" He looked at her sheepishly "But it is quite late now, so I understand if you don't... " Elain cut him off, "Then it's good that I already slept, and I'm starving."

"Perfect, I know just the place." He gave her a full smile. She smiled back and hooked her arms around him as he shot into the sky.

Elain knew that she isn't going to let this opportunity go. She won't let him go, for that glimpse of the future they might have together.

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