"The new beginning"- chapter 9 The vision

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Warning: this chapter contents some smutty scenes. You've been warned.

Elain woke up, and the wave of sadness welcomed her. She'd seen him. He was in the same place, on the same couch, near the same fireplace, like in her last vision. The difference was that he wasn't with her, he wasn't happy or smiling.

Azriel was drinking and looking more down than Elain has ever seen him be. His eyes were glazed, and he looked so miserable, that Elain felt physical and psychical pain when she thought of him now. Whatever has happened this evening, it caused him pain, and Elain knew that she could not wait for tonight to be over, before seeing him. She was his friend. Even if she wanted to be more than that, she would not rush it.

All Elain knew when she slipped into her coat was that he needed someone to be next to him now. He was not alone. Not anymore, and Elain would make sure that he knows it, even if he doesn't admit it or ask for help.

Azriel has told her about his apartment, the quiet and peaceful place he bought for himself. He keeps it away from others. If the inner circle would know where it is, well it wouldn't be his peaceful place then, he said.

It was raining in Velaris, and she didn't even notice it when she left the house in such a hurry. She hasn't been there, but somehow she knew where to go. It was like some invisible thread pulling her to him. She concentrated on her vision and just like that she was standing on his doorstep. She must be looking like a wet dog, felt like one too. Elain took a deep breath and knocked.

When nobody answered for a few minutes, she started to get nervous. What if it's not Azriels house and what if it is? What will she say to him? Hi, I had a vision of you being sad, so I came, can you let me in? She shook her head and knocked again.

This time doors opened, and a dim light greeted her. Azriel was standing there. He was wearing the same clothes that he had on in her vision. At least she got the timing right. "Elain, what are you doing here?" He asked brows knitting. "It's raining, did you came by yourself?" She saw the pained expression on his face, but he hid it well.

When she didn't answer for a few seconds, he gestured for her to come in. "Don't stand there it's cold." She stepped inside. The house was cozy and nice, but it was also somehow cold and empty. She made a mental note to bring him something later, to brighten it up.

"What are you doing here this late? Is something wrong?" He asked. Of course, he would think that she came for herself, that something was wrong with her. She shook her head.

"I came because of this," she gestured to the table where indeed the glass full of amber liquor was standing.

"So you came all this way because I am drinking?" Az smiled. But Elain didn't buy it; she knew how his real smile looked like. "I came here, to figure out why you are drinking," Elain answered again remembering his expression in her vision.

"You had a vision,?" Azriel asked not entirely a question. She nodded again. "So I came because I wanted you to talk to me, to tell me what's bothering you. You are always there for me, let me do the same for you. We are friends, Azriel" His eyes seemed to shudder at her last words.

"Fine, but first I want you to change from these clothes." He smiled sheepishly. "I can't let you catch a cold because of me."

His bedroom was cozy too. His bed was taking most of the place, big enough to fit Illyrian wings she realized. He opened his closet, and Elain waited. "I can give you a shirt, but pants might be tricky," He said and cringed. Elain did not doubt that even a belt could not keep them in place. "But, I have this," He said and showed her short pants, the ones that would go to her knees but no further. She blushed a little at the idea of showing her legs, but her dress was soaked, and she had little to chose from. "It's fine" Elain reassured him. She changed clothes, the shorts indeed going to her knees and ending there. The shirt smelled like him, and she loved it.

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